Thursday, February 24, 2011

Daily Findings :: Adele Enersen

Work by Adelen Enersen who is a computer specialist from Helsinki , Finland. While her daughter is soundly asleep, she creates a completely different world from whatever she can find around her! What a truly fabulous imagination!

{via Mila's Daydream} -- thanks Jenny for forwarding this awesome work!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Daily Findings :: Etsy. Tortoise Loves Donkey

These tiny terrariums are so cute! They are created and sold by Tortoise Loves Donkey on Etsy.
I have been wanting a succulent terrarium for a while now. Also though they are supposed to be easy to maintain, but I have killed succulent plants and cactus before. So I have been nervous about actually getting them...

こんな小さなテラリウムをEtsyで発見!この可愛らしいデザインはTortoise Loves Donkeyによるもの。以前からテラリウムが欲しいんだけど、簡単なはずのサボテンなどを枯らしてしまった経験があるため躊躇… 

Friday, February 04, 2011

ヒッチハイカー hitchhikers

Happy Friday!!

When I was busy taking photos of these beautiful flowers I got the last week...

ヒッチハイカーが二名も!お花と全く同じ色なんで今まで全く気がつかなかったよ〜 ちょっと嬉しい発見。みなさん良い週末を〜♪

There were two hitchhikers on the flowers!! Since they blended very well with the flowers, I did not notice them until now... It was nice surprise... Have a nice weekend, everyone ♪


日本語で読んでくれている方、前回のポストごめんなさい… 長くなってしまい手抜きで英語のみでアップでした…


まぁ、「正解」な結論というものがないのは分かっているんだけど悩まされるトピックかも。あとで自分なりに納得いく選択が出来ると良いんだけど… ドキドキ

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

juggling design career and parenthood

As I entered into my third trimester, I finally came to (extremely) late realization of my own situation, and I started to panic all of the sudden...

My life is about change forever!!!

One of the main worry is about my career as a graphic designer which has been one of my top priorities in my life. But now, I will have to figure out the healthy balance between career and parenthood. While I don't want to be a full-time stay-home-mom, the way I prefer to raise my child will be nearly impossible if I'd work full-time. But I am not sure if I will be happy to put my career in the back burner...

Some might say, I need to learn how to self-sacrifice and do what's best for the little one. But part of me thinks that personal growth and satisfaction is equally important, and it will affect kids greatly (not saying that job is only thing make me happy). I wish there is an easy solution to this that will magically appear or be provided to me, but that is not the case here.

So as I face this reality, I started to wonder how other designers juggle career and parenthood. Here are a few articles regarding to this matter of Career vs Parenthood I have found. Hopefully this will help others who are facing similar situation as I am.

Hopefully there is light in other side of this tunnel I am stuck right now...

Or maybe I'm just overly worried as my hormone goes haywire? I mean after all, the little one hasn't come out just yet... :-/