Tuesday, December 18, 2012

試練の始まり Tougher beginning

 日中一人で子供達の面倒を見始めて早くも丸二週間。目が回る程忙しい~!! 特に最初の週が試されているのかと思ったほど大変だった… 何が大変だったかって、水曜日はイキナリ朝から水が出なく15時間もの断水!!さらに金曜から翌週の月曜までアカリがお腹の風邪だったのか嘔吐に下痢…幸い熱はなく先週は大事をとってずっと篭ってました… はぁ〜 ただでさえノンストップの育児と家事プラス寝不足でドタバタなのに、断水と体調不良のおまけ付きになるとは思ってなかった…

予想外のイベントで思ったより大変だったけれど、親切な友達のご飯の差し入れに助けられ、どうにか乗り切ったぞ~!! しかし年子の育児って体力と忍耐力の勝負だね… 決まって2人揃って同時に何かしら要求があるんだもん。ゆっくり一息入れる暇さえないよ… あぁ、この週を乗り切れば、旦那が一週間休み! うれし〜☆

So could the past few weeks get any harder than it should had been?! It wasn't fair that all those things happened on the very first week of taking care of little ones alone... I felt like i was being tested. Things were going better than I expected until Wednesday. All day Wednesday we didn't have running water until almost 11 pm, and then Akari threw up at 4:30 am on Friday and then on Monday!  It looked like she got some kind of stomach bug but luckily it didn't last too long. phew... You know, I felt a little helpless seeing my one year-old being sick, yet she cannot tell us if any part of her body was hurting and how she was feeling. :(

But we have survived so far without meltdown, thanks to the wonderful friends who brought us food to help!!! Now I'm hoping we will get through this week okay and without crying, then the Holiday week! Yay!!

Monday, December 03, 2012

年子育児の初日 1st day with 2 kids

もうすぐで息子くんが生まれて早くも一ヶ月が経つが、あまりの忙しさに目が回りそう~ 手伝いにわざわざ日本からきてくれていた両親。家事にチビの相手と、凄く助かってたのですごく感謝!チビも甘やかしてもらっていたけど、一番甘えていたのは実は私だったんだと思う… その両親も遂に先週末帰国… (´Д` )

It's been almost one month since Ken's arrival, and it's been insanely crazy busy even with my parents' help with Akari and around the house!! Akari was spoiled by my my parents but the truth is that I was even more spoiled by them. We were so lucky that they came here from Japan to help us out, but unfortunately they finally went back this past weekend.