Friday, November 30, 2012

赤ちゃん返り Reactions to her brother

ビックリしたのは、出産前日からなぜか急にママっ子に変身し、特に出産した日の朝のベッタリさは普通じゃなかった。どこに行くのも(家の中で)私の手を握りたがり、病院に行く準備をしていた私の代わりに他の人がアカリの相手をしようものなら「ノー」の連発で私の側を片時も離れたがらなかった。終いにはパパに赤ちゃん抱っこ。 これっていわゆる子供の第六感ってやつだったんじゃないかなぁ〜

What really surprised me was Akari's reaction before the baby's arrival. It started a day before I went into the labor. Usually she is very independent, but especially the morning of the delivery, she was unusually clingy and wanted to be my side all the time and hold my hand. If someone else tried to take care of her while I was getting ready to head out to the hospital, she screamed "NO!!", and asked me to do things for her instead. I wonder if that was the six sense and she knew that someone was about come out and she had to share her parents??

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

長男の誕生! Baby boy is here!


赤ちゃんの体重増加が心配(予定日にて既に3600g(8lbs)前後との診断)だったのと、また誘発になる可能性にちょっとガッカリ… 予定日を過ぎてから「もしかして今日かな?」という思いで一杯だったので、一日一日が非常にゆっくりに感じた〜

On November 7th, a week later than the due date, the healthy baby boy was born finally at Inova Alexandria Hospital. He and I are doing great!

Although I was a little concerned about his possible weight gain during the 41st week since they told me he was already 8 lbs on the due date... Also I wasn't all that happy about possibly being induced again. After the due date had passed, a day felt a lot longer due to anxiety and only thing I could think was "maybe it's today!?"... 

Friday, November 02, 2012

亀さん Procrastinating Turtle

ベビのあだ名をLittle Dragonからカメさんに改名しなくてはならない様子。出産の際にもたついていた姉よりも(でも予定日より2日早い)、さらにのんびりの様です。今日が予定日なのに全然出て来る様子がなく、相変わらずヌクヌク中!?急に寒くなったから、木枯らしが吹いている外よりも私のお腹の中の方が居心地が良いのも分かるけど、長くて残り1週間も待たなければ行けないかと思うと、ちょっと気が重いなぁ… 妊婦飽きたよ〜!お姉ちゃんが、これ以上甘ちゃんになる前に出て来て…

It looks like I need to rename Little Dragon to Procrastinating Turtle instead... His older sister was called turtle during her birth because she took her time to come out to say hi to the world, but she still showed up two days earlier than the due date. Well, this one seems like going to stay a little longer than 40 weeks (today is the due date). Is it because it got really cold outside and he'd rather want to be cozy in where it's warmer? Understandable, but everyone is getting inpatient here and I don't know if I can wait one more week at the longest. Hurry up, kid!!! Please come out before your sister gets spoiled more and gets worse and bratty... 
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