Friday, January 18, 2013

育児のストレス解消法 Rx for parenting stress

アンリ・シャルパンティエの焼き菓子 Baked goodies from HENRI CHARPENTIER

和菓子も好きだけれど、ここはアメリカ、ワシントンDC(NYCやLAだと買えるんだろうけど)、食べたくても買えない。仕方ないので、自分で作るしかなく先日はWhole Foodsで小豆を買いあんこを大量に作る。今回はおはぎにしました。(最後の写真は貰いものの芋まんじゅう)


Now the holidays are over, everyone seems to eat better and exercise more, but me. Perhaps I picked up the bad snacking habit during the holidays. Perhaps, something went wrong during the pregnancy (I craved sweets like crazy while I was pregnant.)

I have been terrible for stocking sweets in the house all the time, and my parents just sent me these delicious baked goodies from Japan. They were so tiny and not as sweet as ones in the US, but so good also. Occasionally I crave Japanese sweets, mainly red bean paste. However, living in Washington DC, it's not like I can easily buy them from stores whenever I want (maybe in LA and NYC). So if I want Japanese sweets, I had to make them (or ask someone to make them). So I ran to Whole Foods other day and I made a pot-full sweet red bean paste, and made ohagi (botamochi). Now they are stocked up in my freezer, I will be set for a little depends on how fast I consume them... heh.

So at this pace, it will take a while to get back to the pre-pregnancy weight... but I think my body is craving (or needing?) sweets because of the stress of dealing with the little ones all day long! That has to be the reason!!

Monday, January 07, 2013

風邪でダウン being sick

 年末年始は旦那が風邪でダウンしていたと思ったら、うつされてしまったのか、授乳のため薬が飲めず、ただひたすら丸二日も赤ん坊の様にずーっと寝て回復。どうやらお腹の風邪が流行っているようですが、私のはただの風邪で、お腹の調子が悪かったのは買い置きの冷凍食品のせいっぽかったけれど… ケンスケはオッパイとオムツ以外は寝てくれていたので、かなり助かった。その点、乳児は楽だわ。時々私も寝るのが商売の赤ちゃんに(戻りたい?)なりたいよ〜


Well, as Beejay was sick on NYE and New Year's day, my turn came around on Friday... I was sick and spend Friday and Saturday in bed/couch. Supposedly some type of stomach bug is going around, including Japan (gotta love global world we live in today...), although I believe my stomach issue was due to the oily food I ate night before... Luckily, Ken pretty much let me sleep like a baby as long as his diapers were clean and his stomach was full.

On the other hand, Akari was a little tricky and I had to ask for help to... uhn, TV, the necessary evil. She was being couch potato on Friday, so I can sleep. I know, it's not my proudest moment as mother. But, on the positive side (?), she learned to say "no way" in Japanese from watching TV... haha

pls click the button for the ranking! ぽちっとクリックお願いします♪
にほんブログ村 子育てブログ 海外育児へ

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

謹賀新年 Happy New Year 2013




Happy New Year!!! Here in the States, 2013 finally came around 14 hours later than in Japan along with some fireworks in the sky and the countdown. Following the Japanese New Year's Eve tradition, I prepared Toshikoshi Soba (eating soba noodles for good luck) with shrimp tempra and udon for Akari (just be on the safe side if she has soba allergy, many people wait until kids are around 3 yo.) But Miss I-love-carb seemed to be enjoying eating tempra sweet potatoes better than udon noodle...(shown below).

Out of all other days of the year, the hubby got some kind of stomach bug on NYE. He tried to sleep it off for two days before returning to work today (1/2)... One year ago, I think I got sick with high fever, and was in bed for three days. Yikes... It wasn't fun!

旦那のクリスマス休暇も終わり、また明日からドタバタ育児の開始だ〜 気合い入れてがんばろう! おてんばアカリはベッドから落ちて、真っ赤なお鼻に…クリスマス終わったのにねぇ。 泣き虫ケンスケも昨日はかなりご機嫌だった。よい兆しかな??

The holidays seemed to come to an end a lot faster than all of us wished. Now B is back to work, and I'm back to taking care of these crazy two alone during the day. Oh boy!

Tomboy Akari fell from the guest bed, and turned into Rudolf the red-nose reindeer. uhn, Christmas is already over for that, silly... On the other hand, Crybaby Ken was a happy baby on NYE. Perhaps, it's a sign that 2013 will be a good year?!

Finally, Ken has started to sleep a little longer during the night. Other night was the new record of 6 hours straight!! Woohoo. I hope this will continue and not just a fluke...  ;)