Thursday, October 09, 2008

Daily Findings: Alphabet Project

A friend emailed me the link to this afternoon. Lara was in my design classes throughout the years... This brought me back the memory of dreading this project assigned to us. I guess I was just too lazy at that time and didn't want to look around for alphabets in the nature.

Funny thing is that now I am working as a designer in the real world, and I have more appreciation for this type of creative project, I was thinking about looking for alphabets again... then I got an email from Lara. Craziness!

personal trend /夢中なこと

最近、写真に興味が… 特にデジカメは現像しなくて済むから楽。とりあえず、デジタルで練習してある程度上手になったらフィルムに移ろうかなあ。…ケチです。ハイ。

Lately I've been taking photos more often. It's fascinating to see things through the viewfinder and capture things majority of people won't notice. Also the digital camera is nice since I don't have to develop films... My goal is to practice with the digital then move back to the 35 mm eventually. There is something attractive about the film... maybe because I won't be tempted to edit them too much...


Here's my latest purchase... VQ1005. It's a key chain toy camera. Since I saw the photos taken by this particular camera on Flickr, I've been wanting one. I really like that "Lo-Fi" look of the photos.

Daily Findings: Skull-A-Day

A book by Noah Scalin of Another Limited Rebellion has been published recently. Pretty awesome! Congraturation, Noah!

I took the class by Noah, called Socially Conscious Design, when was the student at Virginia Commonwealth University. Noah's work has been very inspirational to me...