Well I know I haven't been updating this periodically but here is one for this month before May is officially over...
5/2/09はビージェイの従兄弟の結婚式のために2泊3日でフロリダへ。メキシコ湾側は初めて。湿気がなくって過ごしよかったです。ビーチも混んでなくって「あれだったら海も悪くないかなぁ」などど、海やプールには自分からすすんで行かない私でさえ気心が。白い砂浜だったしね。式前日のリーハーサルディナーではニューオーリンズ名物ののクレイフィッシュ・ボイル(茹でザリガニ)が。わざわざニューオーリンズから呼び寄せたらしい。すごっ。ザリガニ釣りはした事あるけれど、さすがに食べた事はない… しかも小さいから食べるのに一苦労。でもこれがスパイスが効いてて結構おいしい〜☆
We went to Destin, FL for B's cousin's wedding at the first weekend of May. It was a nice weekend trip to the gulf of Mexico which was the first time for me. The weather was just right without any humidity and white sand beach. Even though we aren't beach-goers, it was actually a lot of fun! For the rehearsal dinner. the New Orleans' crayfish boil was served. Supposedly they brought a vendor all way from New Orleans! They went all out for this!!! I really enjoyed my first crayfish boil... spicy but yummy.
The wedding ceremony was held on the balcony of the hotel. It was a nice one. I thought it was funny that people staying at the hotel were busy watching the ceremony.