Wednesday, October 26, 2011

アメリカに戻ってきてます back in the US

無事帰国してます♪ でも始めの1週間はチビの時差ぼけが酷く、毎日朝4時からプレイモード全開… 付き合って起きていた私には辛く、何も手に着かず。時差ぼけが治ってからは、溜っていたメールや家事などに追われる日々です。

We are back from our trip safely! However, the first week was rough since Akari's jet lag was terrible. She was ready to play at 4 am every day!! Once our jet lag was over, it was time for me to tackle with things that had piled up while we were away... yikes!

日本は美味しかった〜 台風の影響で成田に一泊することになったけれど、とても有意義な旅行でした。詳細はまた後日に…

The trip was great despite the typhoon and overnight stay at the airport in Japan... I will post the details of the trip later... must sleep... nite nite ;)

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