B finally did his first 5K (Color Me Rad) on Father's day this past Sunday, and I am very proud of him! He started to train for this run a few months ago with his friend. He seemed very happy and I sense that this will be the Father's day traditions now on. The little ones were cheering for papa too.
スタート前 before
スタート直前 after
しかし、あまりの人の多さになぜか旦那を見つけられず、ゴールする瞬間の写真は疎か、見る事も出来ませんでした(涙)だって、みんな同じ様なサングラスしてカラフルな姿でゴールインするから、余計見分けづらいのったら!!もう、ランニングというよりも遊び感覚満載のColor Me Radという大会で、あちらこちらで色付きのコーンスターチが入った袋をくれ、投げつけ合いながら5km走るというもの。本格的なランナーさんからには邪道に思えるかもしれないけど…(苦笑)ベビーカーを押しながらとか子供をおんぶしながら走っていた(歩いていた)人までいましたよ!面白かったのは、真っ白なTシャツでみんな走りだしたのに、ゴールに向かって走って来る時にはすでに虹色姿だったこと。ちびっ子も大勢楽しそうに走っていたよ。もしかしたら、私も来年参加出来るかなぁ。でも、さすがにベビーカーと一緒は遠慮したいわ。
However, I wasn't able to capture him at the goal or spot him during the run. There were just too many people looking all colorful and wearing the same sunglasses, so that made hard to distinguish. It seemed like it was such a fun event since you throw packets of colored corn starch to each others during the run. Probably it's not serious enough for hardcore runners since it's a fun-run, but it's a great one to start with. What's funny was that people were all clean as heading out, then they were all colorful as coming back. Even small kids were having fun running, and parents with kids in strollers and baby carriers! Maybe I will run next year!