Beejay has been into baking scones lately. Lucky me!
The last time he baked yummy cranberry scones around 11pm on Sunday night just because he almost forgot to make them even though he promised me of them. (I didn't make him to bake at 11pm though!) How nice of him!!
It's going to be chocolate chip scones next time. yay! Who knows... Maybe in the future we might open a scone store... and I guess I will be overweight eating them too much. arghhhhh〜
次回はチョコチップスコーンだって。やったね。将来、スコーン屋さんなんて開いてたりして。そしたらスコーン食べ過ぎで私でぶってそう… ああぁ〜〜!!

二ヶ月ほど遅れてのポストですが、生まれて初めて参加した地元Lexinton Ad Clubのデザインコンペ(ADDY)で賞をもらいました〜。嬉
This news is about 2 months late: for the first time ever, my work has received awards at the local-level ADDY, an annual advertising competition, held by the Lexington Ad Club.
All three entries got something (2 Golds and 1 Silver), and one of them got the Judges' Choice Award. Even though it was just a local competition, I was relived to earn some kind of recognition for my design since I'm not so confident.
Then I got better news last week. Supposedly the work for UVa C.A.R.E received the Silver at the district-level ADDY (KY, WV, and OH)!?