二ヶ月ほど遅れてのポストですが、生まれて初めて参加した地元Lexinton Ad Clubのデザインコンペ(ADDY)で賞をもらいました〜。嬉
This news is about 2 months late: for the first time ever, my work has received awards at the local-level ADDY, an annual advertising competition, held by the Lexington Ad Club.
All three entries got something (2 Golds and 1 Silver), and one of them got the Judges' Choice Award. Even though it was just a local competition, I was relived to earn some kind of recognition for my design since I'm not so confident.
Then I got better news last week. Supposedly the work for UVa C.A.R.E received the Silver at the district-level ADDY (KY, WV, and OH)!?
Still a good feat nonetheless. It'd be the firsts of many. Congrats!
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