実りの秋ですが、数年前からりんご、なし、サクランボ、プラム、桃などがたべられなくなりました… アレルギー反応出ちゃって、喉や唇がかゆくなっちゃう!
この草アレルギー性鼻炎(hay fever)になると、りんごなどに含まれるタンパク質を花粉と勘違いしちゃって喉や唇がかゆくなるらしいんだよねー。
どこか花粉のない土地はないかねー。どうやらとうとうビージェイまで花粉症になってしまったみたいー ...ツラっ
Now it's October, the weather is nice, not too hot, not too cold. But I haven't been able to go anywhere without tissues and allergy medicines!
Yup. It's that time of year for me who still lives in KY—hay fever. Since there are tons of horse parks and farms everywhere, it seems like that I have developed the hay fever. Not only that now I cannot eat certain fruits such apples, plums, cherries, peaches and pears. This sucks so bad since I love these fruits! Whenever I eat them, my throat and lips itch and and swallow.
According to Wiki, the condition I got is called "Oral allergy syndrome" and it's not exactly an allergic reaction to these fruits. What happens is that my "immune system mistakes the food proteins for the pollen proteins and causes an allergic reaction."
Unfortunately this year, Beejay finally got allergy. It's most likely the hay fever too... His sinus has been bothering him, but the symptom got much better after taking an allergy medicine.
We need to move somewhere that there is no allergen if there is a such place!!
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