Tuesday, July 28, 2009

always next to me / いつも隣りで・・・

在宅で仕事している私。デスクで仕事をしている私の横にはいつもコーディーがお腹をポッコリ出して寝息を立てている・・・ 17歳のおばあちゃんです。

Cody is always sleeping next to my desk when I'm working at home. Amazingly she is 17 years old!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

食 food

ちょっと無気力気味のさぼっていた更新。いくら凹みぎみでもお腹は空くんですね〜。こんなもんを作ってみました。タイのレッドカレー、バイン・ミー (ベトナムのサンドイッチ)とラムバーガーサンドイッチ。こうやってみて見ると日本食作ってないじゃん… 

Unintentionally this blog is turning into my food journal showing how much I love to eat... Here are some of food I have made this month, Thai red curry, bánh mì (Vietnamese sandwich) and mini lamb burger sandwich.

残りのタネでケーキを焼くというもの。しかもタネをダメにしないためには10日後に再び4等分して、配って、ケーキを焼いて… 延々と続く。 しかもさすがにアメリカ。出来るケーキの大きさが半端じゃないのでたべきれなく、2回目で断念。太るよ〜 まだケーキが冷凍庫に・・・ 右は初めて作った肉まん。レシピはクックパッドから

I got the batter for Amish bread (taste more like coffee cake) from a friend. It's a never-ending cake since continuously you have to bake the cake if you want to keep the batter to make the cake. I had to give up and stop baking after second time. It was too much for me to bake it every ten days. The photo on right is Chinese-style steamed bun (nikuman) I made from scratch for the first time.


The cinnamon bans are the must at IKEA! This time, we got dressers for the bed room we have been wanting. The lack of closets in the bed room is very inconvenient, and hopefully the piles of clothe will disappear from the floor after this.


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Saturday, July 25, 2009

successful year / うまくいった年

バジルを植木鉢で育てるのは今夏で2回目。今年はすごく元気で、気がついたらなんと花まで咲いてしまった!しかも始めて花が咲くと知りました… とっても小さい白い可憐な花がてっぺんに咲くんだよ〜 マクロレンズで撮影。

This year I have learned that basil grows tiny white flowers! I have growing basil in a pot near the sunny window. This summer is my second time trying this, and unlike the previous year the basil is so healthy and getting really huge! yay!

Monday, July 06, 2009

Toast on Market

休みだった金曜日は(独立記念日が土曜日だから)献血を試みたあと、折角ダウンタウンにいるからとMarket StreetのあるToast on Marketでブランチ。ここのパンケーキはかなり美味しい。少し厚めでほんのり甘く、口の中でとけるかのようにふんわりしてて好きです。週末はいつもブランチ客で混んでるよ。美味しい証拠かな?古い建物をリフォームしたレストランなんで、昔ながらの細かい装飾などがオシャレ。

ちなみに献血は貧血気味らしくって、鉄分の取り方のトリセツをもらって返されてしまった。せっかく勇気をだして(血が大の苦手)行ったのに・・・ ちえっ。

This past Friday, we went to Toast on Market for brunch since we were already in downtown. (I went to Red Cross in downtown for blood donation but I was told to come back later since the red blood cells were too low...)

I like their pancakes which are slightly thicker and sweet, and they almost melt away when you eat... Their oatmeal is also delicious according to Beejay. Also what I like about this place is the interior of the older building which has unique characteristics you don't see with newer buildings.


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