もう既に10月。どうりで涼しいわけで、寒がりの私は仕事部屋で、膝掛けと暑いお茶が手放せません。今年は特に時間が経つのが早過ぎて、頭がついて行けない… 結局夏物の服全て出し切ってなかったので、そのまま来年の夏まで押し入れで待機かも。苦笑
The day one: I noticed the dead cicada on the balcony and decided to take photo of it. I saw a few ants on it.
DAY 2: An army of ants were going crazy at it.
DAY 3: The cicada was almost empty and gutted out already!
第4日目には「から」さえ消えいていた… おそるべし。
DAY 4: Even the empty shell of the cicada was missing from the balcony. I wonder if ants even ate it? Where did it go.
I was pretty impressed by this incident how hard ants work...
今夏元気に育ってくれたバジルですが、寒くなって来たので、そろそろ終わりかな?嬉しい事に、すくすく育って、花が咲いて、いっぱいタネが出来てた。去年枯らしちゃったので、ここまでちゃんと育ってくれてなんか嬉しい☆ 来年はタネから育ててみようかなあ。
My basil plant will probably will die soon since it's getting too cold for it :(
But this year, I did such a good job taking care of it, comparing to the previous year, the plant produced some seeds. I might try to grow basil from seeds next year??