早速、週末に妹と渋谷のハチ公前で待ち合わせ。1年ぶりの再会なんだけど、お互いあまり変化なしかな?おかしかったのが、待ち合わせ場所はいつものごとく込み合っていて、パッと見回しても妹の姿は見当たらず… 仕方なしにまだ不慣れな携帯を片手に、四苦八苦しながらメールを製作中にフト顔を上げると、真横に同じく携帯を片手に私にメール中の彼女と目があう。結局、ひと一人間にはさんで立ち止まったものの、間に立っていた人が退くまでお互いに気がつかなかったみたい。でもまさか、お互いよりに寄ってまったく同じ場所に立つとは… 笑える瞬間でした…
好み・発想が意外と一緒と確信したもう一つの出来事が、カメラ。購入したカメラケースが偶然にも全く同じと知ったのが2年前のこと。私の新しいカメラを見せるため、鞄から取り出すとともに、彼女の表情が固まる。なんと3日前に、同じモノを買ったそう… 偶然すぎでこわいかも。なんだかんだで、今回は仲良く色違いの新しいカメラケースを購入する事になりました〜
ブラついた後は、オーガニック・カフェ「Bio Cafe」で休憩。かわいいカフェでした。ちなみに私は「イカスミのシュークリーム」、妹は「イタリア塩のシュークリーム」。文字道理少し塩気があるんだけど、甘すぎずユニークな味がおいしかった。
I met up with my sister front of the Shibuya Hachi-ko this past weekend. As expected, the place was packed with people who were also waiting for others, and I wasn't able to spot her out from the crowd. As I lifted my head while I was texting to my sister, I noticed a set of eyes looking at me. It was my sister who was also about to text me. We were actually standing side by side but didn't notice each other until a person standing between us walked away. It was funny to realize we both decided to stand at the same spot to text each other... I guess we are related after all...
Another incident of thinking in the same way is that it turned out that we both just bought the same camera, too. Also it was only 2 years ago that we found out that we both have the exactly same camera case... What a coincidence!
The photos are from Bio Cafe, an organic cafe, in Shibuya. The cream puff I had had squid ink (in the puff, it's not chocolate.) and the one she had was named "cream puff with Italian salt". It indeed had a hint of salt, but very delicious!
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