Monday, June 27, 2011

ネバネバうどん slimy udon noodles



This was dinner one day, udon noodles with okra, natto, and pouched egg. Not too many non-Japanese likes natto (fermented soybeans) because of its sliminess, but my hubby actually loves it... Funny thing is that I even didn't like it when I was a kid!

昨日韓国系スーパーでカレー味の納豆を発見!カレーライスっぽい盛り付け例の写真がうける〜 旦那にねだられて買ったんだけど、問題の味はどうなんだろう…


そういえば、子供の頃友達に勧められてマヨネーズを混ぜた事… 家族には気持ち悪がれたけど、結構美味しかった記憶が…

Other day, I found curry flavored natto at a Korean grocery store which I've never seen before. On the package, it said "everyone loves it". ...I guess we will find out how gross or yummy this unusual flavored one... :-/

Thursday, June 23, 2011

food log :: BGR the Burger Joint

父の日にBGR the Burger Jointに行ってきました〜 炭焼きなのでFive Guys (油っこすぎる) より好きかも。特にオニオンリングがオススメ★ あんなに大きなのは見たことない!

On father's day, we went to BGR the Burger Joint. I like their burger better than one from Five Guys (I think theirs is a little greasy) and their onion rings are awesomely huge!! I think they are the biggest I ever seen before...

:: 写真は別日に行った時のもの… These photos are from different visits... ::

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

2 months

:: 世界に一つの手作りビブをプレゼントしてもらったよ♥ The hand-made bib from a friend is only one in the world ::

やっと2ヶ月になりましたぁ☆ かなり大きくなって現在6キロ・身長は61センチ。重いわけだわ… 相変わらずよく吐くけど、ちゃんと体重が増えているので心配しなくでも良さそう。よかった〜♪ (おかげで育児の間に洗濯に追われる毎日…)

Now she is two a month-old and 13 lb & 24 in!! No wonder my arms hurt from holding her! The frequency of her throwing up made me concerned but since she is gaining weight, it isn't a problem after all... Although I have been so busy with laundry! ugh

:: この昼寝の後大泣きが始まる… I wasn't prepared for non-stop crying after this nap. ::

2ヶ月健診では予防接種5種類(飲み薬1つ、太腿に注射4本)もいっぺんに!! 家帰ってから昼寝のあと大泣き。泣き止まないので小児科に電話すると乳児用のタイラノール(痛み止め)を飲ませるように言われる。さすが薬大国のアメリカ。すでに乳児にも薬だよ… 

At her 2 month check-up, she was given 4 shots and 1 oral immunization! That's so many!! After we got home, she started crying like crazy. Being in panic, I ended up calling an advise nurse at the pediatrician's office, and I was told to give her infant acetaminophen. Maybe I should done one shot at a time if she ends up needing a painkiller...


Lately she started to sleep longer during night. However, she is a little more fussy and needy during the day. But the moment she smiles makes up for all these difficult times... I cannot wait for the day she voluntarily smiles at me!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

finally! やっと満足!

以前何回か作ってみたどら焼き。何が悪いのかいつも失敗ぱかりだったんだけど、ようやく上手く思ったように出来た〜 今回は粒あんとカボチャあんの二種類。あんこは市販品を使用したんだけど、もう少し甘さ控えめでもいいので、次回はあんこも作ってみようかなぁ。


After failing miserably a few times in the past, I was finally happy with the outcome with these dorayaki! yay! I made them with two types of filling, red bean paste and kabocha paste. yum yum!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Farmers Market 朝市

ワシントンDCは今日も暑いです。午後には雷雨らしく蒸している。朝早起きしてOld Townの朝市に行くはずが、チビさんの都合により閉まる30分前にどうにか辿りついた。


Today is also hot in Washington DC... It's pretty humid and nasty... We were supposed to get up early to go to the farmer's market in Old Town this morning. Well, they were about to close by the time we got there. The little one wasn't cooperating with us this morning... :(

I love getting riped tomatoes from there. Also I got these beautiful pink flowers! Since they were about close, I got them at 50% off. Yay!

Thursday, June 09, 2011

あだ名 nicknames

All the sudden, she becomes a drooling monster!


ピヨコ、ブヒ子ちゃん、たれ目たれ子さん、グレムリン(夜になると手がかかるから)、泣き虫ちゃん、オシメさま、poopy monster, poopy head, hungry monster、などなど。酷い親…

There are a handful of new nicknames Akari earned within 7 weeks... Chick, Miss Piggy, Gremlin (she isn't not nice to us in night), poopy monster, poopy head, and hungry monster, etc... What a parents!