やっと2ヶ月になりましたぁ☆ かなり大きくなって現在6キロ・身長は61センチ。重いわけだわ… 相変わらずよく吐くけど、ちゃんと体重が増えているので心配しなくでも良さそう。よかった〜♪ (おかげで育児の間に洗濯に追われる毎日…)
Now she is two a month-old and 13 lb & 24 in!! No wonder my arms hurt from holding her! The frequency of her throwing up made me concerned but since she is gaining weight, it isn't a problem after all... Although I have been so busy with laundry! ugh

2ヶ月健診では予防接種5種類(飲み薬1つ、太腿に注射4本)もいっぺんに!! 家帰ってから昼寝のあと大泣き。泣き止まないので小児科に電話すると乳児用のタイラノール(痛み止め)を飲ませるように言われる。さすが薬大国のアメリカ。すでに乳児にも薬だよ…
At her 2 month check-up, she was given 4 shots and 1 oral immunization! That's so many!! After we got home, she started crying like crazy. Being in panic, I ended up calling an advise nurse at the pediatrician's office, and I was told to give her infant acetaminophen. Maybe I should done one shot at a time if she ends up needing a painkiller...

Lately she started to sleep longer during night. However, she is a little more fussy and needy during the day. But the moment she smiles makes up for all these difficult times... I cannot wait for the day she voluntarily smiles at me!
She is just gorgeous!!!
Cathy> she is CHUNKY!! ;)
ReplyDeleteSachi> ホント子供の成長って早いね〜(汗)