Also it takes a long time for her to fall asleep at night. Even though she can sleep through with noise during daytime, she easily wakes up by putting her down into her crib at night...
Being selfish, I have lately using a pacifier to put her sleep at night instead of singing/holding/rocking/etc...

ネットで調べてみた結果、おしゃぶりやボトルが原因の可能性が… 生後4−6週間以降のおしゃぶりやボトルの使用は大丈夫と教わっていたけど、まさか11週間でもなるとは予想外。
うーん… これって便利さを優先した自己中ママへのしっぺ返しなのかなぁ… トホホ。明日からおしゃぶりとボトル使用禁止しなければ。育児って難しい〜
However, for the past few days, she started to get fussy during the feeding. Tonight, she ended up rejecting breastfeeding crying furiously! I ended up giving her milk in the bottle since the situation wasn't getting any better and she was really hungry. This incident made me really sad as if she was rejecting me as the mother...
After reading up some online, the use of pacifiers and bottles might be culprit for her refusal... I know that using them before establishing breastfeeding will cause nipple confusion. However I was not expecting this to happen with the breastfed baby at 11th week!
Awwwww.... I guess this is the repercussion to the selfish and lazy mom who prioritize the convenience. No more bottles and pacifiers for Akari starting tomorrow...

Cannot wait for the day she just go sleep without any help...