Tuesday, November 15, 2011

近郊探索 exploring the area

Lately we have been luck with the weather on the weekends. It's nice to explore the area in search of yummy food!


 @Old Town Alexandria

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Monday, November 14, 2011

前途多難だった帰国 landing in Tokyo with Typhoon


成田着陸時刻に台風が東京上陸してしまい、急遽新千歳空港に臨時着陸したものの、4時間機内に缶詰状態。幸いにもチビはお利口にしててくれたので、以外に楽だったけれど、ようやく成田についたのは夜の10時! 台風の影響で都内への交通手段はなく、ホテルも満席だしタクシー待ちは長蛇の列… ひとりでスーツケース、ベビーカー、手荷物2個と5ヶ月のチビを抱っこしてた私は、途方にくれる羽目に…  

結局どうしようもないので諦めて空港で一夜を明かし、翌日の朝九時のバスで実家に無事ついたんだけど、ほんっと疲れた〜 !! 今思うと、良くひとりでどうにかなったなぁ〜と思うよ… オムツを持てるだけ手荷物で持ってきてて、ホント助かった。夜中の空港じゃオムツなんて買えないしね〜(苦笑)

So the trip to Japan... While I was happy to bring Akari to meet everyone and eat all yummy food, getting there was such a nightmare!

The day we were supposed to land there, the typhoon landed onto Tokyo at the same time. So instead of landing to Narita, the plain diverged to New Chitose airport in Hokkaido where we stayed for 4 hours inside of plan before the plan headed to Narita! Despite the fact we ended up being in the plain for about total of 20 hours, luckily the little monster did well in the plain better than I expected...

Unfortunately, we were still out of luck even though we finally got out of the plain! Because of the typhoon and we got to Narita around 10 pm, there was no way to get to the house. All hotels were booked with people who were in the same situation. So long story short, we spend night at the airport and headed home next morning. Since I was traveling alone with Akari, I barely slept... But I was so glad we got there safely!! Ala!

I was glad I brought enough diapers... you know you cannot buy them at the airport in the middle of night... ;)
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Tuesday, November 01, 2011

1st Halloween 初めてのハローウィン

チビの初めてのハロウィーンに、(アメリカ生活長いのに)初めてパンプキンのランタンを作ったぞ!かなり固くって、彫るのにかなり疲れた…(娘のためにエンヤコラ〜♪)可愛いからと、小さい物を買ったら経験者の旦那(手伝ってはくれなかったよ… 涙)もビックリするくらい固かったのです。彫るのに向き不向きがあるんだね〜Σ(゚д゚;) トホホ. 疲れたよ〜!!! 

Yesterday was Akari's 1st Halloween as well as the first time I ever carved out a pumpkin (I have done the oranges... ;))!! However, I made a mistake of picking a small pumpkin which turned out really hard as a rock to carve out... I broke in sweat and had to take breaks before I was able to finish it up (thanks to my hubby who didn't help...). Who new there is a certain kind of pumpkin for a Jack-O-lantern!! A lesson learned. :/

My pink skeleton and the Jack-O-lantern (with a too-long stem)

Pumpkin's brain!! It was pretty yucky, and I didn't enjoy scooping it out...

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