育児、家事、仕事に追われ、独りでマッタリする時間もないまま気がつけば師走。今年もあと僅か!オマケに全然更新出来ていないこのブログ... (-。-; 一体時間はいつの間に経ってしまっていたのだろう…
さてさて、アカリももうすぐ8ヶ月。話には聞いていたものの、成長が早く、嬉しいやら寂しいやら。今フニャフニャせず、かといって幼児でもないこの時期が一番好きかも♡ アカリは7ヶ月になったとたん、いろいろな事ができるようになった。お座り、つかまり立ち、いないないばぁ、ハイハイ、バイバイと大忙し。おまけ一日だけの 人見知りをよりによってサンクスギビングデーに。親戚大勢に注目されて、ビックリしたのか、私、旦那、私の実母以外に抱っこされようものなら、顔を皺く ちゃにして大泣きヽ(´o`;
Juggling parenting, house chores, and work has been keeping me super busy. I almost didn't realize the year 2012 is almost over! Top of that late realization of how fast time has gone, the blog has been put on the back burner... Where did time go!?
Well, Akari is almost 8 mo. and growing really fast. Within the past month, she managed to sit by herself, stand by holding on to something, do peek a-boos, crawling, and waving her hand (bye-bye)! She doesn't shy away from unfamiliar people, but on the Thanksgiving day, she didn't want to be held by anybody. If someone else other than her mommy, daddy and grandma, would hold her, she started to cry furiously... hahaha but luckily, it was only one day deal...
に、吐いちゃった (´Д` ) 母乳は平気だからアレルギーとかではないらしいんだけど... うーん
She rather wants to play than eating food. So feeding her has been such a struggle and least favorite things to do for me and her. As the photo shows, she rater eat the belt of the high chair than food... But She loves banana, but hates onion and tomatoes, and do not do well with dairy product. When she had one small bite of yogurt, she ended up throwing up, just like when I gave her formula. Makes me a little concerened...
テーブルにいた1歳くらいの子と一生懸命コミュニケーションをとっていた。一体誰に似たのかおしゃべりな子になりそうな気がするぞ~ ♪( ´▽`)
ダダダやパパパと連発し、旦那が帰宅すると歩行器で旦那に向かってダッシュして行くので、旦那はメロメロ \(//∇//)\
She also started to babble a lot. Other day at Panera, she was busy "talking" to other baby near by. I wonder where she picked up this talkativeness? I have a feeling that she will be a talker. She says "dadada" and "papapa" a lot which makes hubby grins all ear to ear. Other day, she literally ran to him in a walker when he got home from work. Surely she knows how to make his happy!!
オッパイ挙げればスグ寝てくれるのわかっているから特にね...(。-_-。) モノグサなのさ。そのうちね・・・
As for me, I am still suffering from the lack of sleep. Well, it's the result of not doing the sleep training as Dr. told me to do at her 6 months check up. I haven't had energy to put her back to sleep by spending hours, when she goes right back to sleep if I feed her. Yes, probably I am just being lazy. But I don't think I can do cry it out neither... well, maybe one day, I will get to sleep train her... maybe....
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