アカリの初クリスマスはサンタクロースより一足早く、風邪が遊びに来てしまう。しかも家族もインフルエンザと格闘中とか?!折角のクリスマスなのに、自宅待機とかになっちゃうなのかな… うーん (´Д` )
Akari's very first Christmas might be "stay@home" one since cold came knocking on our door before Santa. Akari has been coughing and having a slight fever :( I'm hoping that she gets better by tomorrow, but if not, we might have to pull out our tree and decorate it (since Akari is crawling everywhere we didn't pull out the tre this year, knowing that she will go there to play with pretty lights and cords.)
Don't get sick and wish you merry Christmas!!
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