ずーっと欲しかった気球のモービル。作り方の乗っているサイトを発見し、早速つくってみました。北欧のデザインも物らしいです。チビもクルクル回るのを見て「うわぁ〜」。喜んでくれた見たく、私も嬉しかったな♥ 時間を見つけてベビ2号にも作ろうかな…
I always wanted to a mobile in home. I think they are awesome as home decorations. Coming across a DIY site for the hot-air balloon mobile, I've decided to make one for Akari. It turned out well and she seemed to be amazed whenever it moves around. Her reaction was very rewarding and I'm hoping that I will have a chance to make another for the Little Dragon sometime...