(photo of the table is via my friend N)
お友達が嬉しいことに、ベビーシャワーを開いてくれました。とても嬉しかった〜!Georgetown Cupcake(テレビ番組のため、ちまたではかなり有名のカップケーキのお店)のカップケーキまであり、オムツケーキはなんと手作り!(Nちゃん器用!)楽しいく美味しいひと時を過ごしてきました。
チビのことで初回と違って満喫どころじゃない、今回のマタニティーライフ。健診で問題がなく、順調に育っているからこそだけれども、緊張もドキドキもなく、大きなお腹が邪魔で疲れるなぁ〜と思うくらい程度なのが本音。でも、こうやってお祝いしてもらうと、実感が湧いて来るものなんだね… 苦笑
My kind friends throw me a baby shower earlier this week. I was so touched by their kindness. One of them actually made this awesome looking diaper cake, and the cupcakes from Georgetown Cupcake were for dessert! ...yum yum...
With the second pregnancy, especially being preoccupied with Akari, I hardly have had time to sort of "enjoy" being pregnant, but thinking that my big tummy is in my way when I have to pick up Akari. In other words, I don't think the reality of being pregnant has sunk in all the way... But this shower made me realize that I'm about to have another baby (duh!) and we are crazy to have another one again (DUH!!)...
私の周りには妊婦さんがなぜか多い。シャワーの参加者、私を含めて3人妊婦とだったし、その他にも知人が3人も妊娠中とういう妊娠ブーム… 妊娠が発覚した時も、何度「あなたもなの?流行っているね〜」とのコメントを聞いたことやら…
あと残り2週間。月曜日には両親もくるし、ほぼ準備も終わったし。カモーンベイビー!!!と言いたいものの、チビの赤ちゃん返りがちょっと心配。デイケアだしてから、甘えるという事を覚えてしまい、シャワーの時も他の子と遊ばずに私にベッタリ。プレイグループでも、「あれ〜前は独立心強かったのに、変わったね〜」と言われるし… どうなることやら(汗)
It seems like handful of people around me are also expecting. Two of my friends at the shower are also expecting, and I know three more people who are currently pregnant. I remember when I told others that we are expecting, oftentimes someone will say "you too? Something must be water!"
Well, whether I'm ready or not, only two more weeks to go! My parents are arriving here from Japan to help us out on this coming Monday, and almost everything is ready for Little Dragon's arrival. I want to say "c'mon baby!" but I'm a little concerned about Akari's reaction. After pulling her out of daycare, she has become more clingy and needy. Even at this shower, she was literally attached to me, and didn't want to play with other kids... hmmm... hopefully, she will cope not getting all of my attention soon.

なほ二郎さん、完全な甘ちゃんで今から両親が帰った日が恐怖です… いちごちゃん、ちゃんとお姉さんしてて可愛いですね〜