ビックリしたのは、出産前日からなぜか急にママっ子に変身し、特に出産した日の朝のベッタリさは普通じゃなかった。どこに行くのも(家の中で)私の手を握りたがり、病院に行く準備をしていた私の代わりに他の人がアカリの相手をしようものなら「ノー」の連発で私の側を片時も離れたがらなかった。終いにはパパに赤ちゃん抱っこ。 これっていわゆる子供の第六感ってやつだったんじゃないかなぁ〜
What really surprised me was Akari's reaction before the baby's arrival. It started a day before I went into the labor. Usually she is very independent, but especially the morning of the delivery, she was unusually clingy and wanted to be my side all the time and hold my hand. If someone else tried to take care of her while I was getting ready to head out to the hospital, she screamed "NO!!", and asked me to do things for her instead. I wonder if that was the six sense and she knew that someone was about come out and she had to share her parents??
What really surprised me was Akari's reaction before the baby's arrival. It started a day before I went into the labor. Usually she is very independent, but especially the morning of the delivery, she was unusually clingy and wanted to be my side all the time and hold my hand. If someone else tried to take care of her while I was getting ready to head out to the hospital, she screamed "NO!!", and asked me to do things for her instead. I wonder if that was the six sense and she knew that someone was about come out and she had to share her parents??