年末年始は旦那が風邪でダウンしていたと思ったら、うつされてしまったのか、授乳のため薬が飲めず、ただひたすら丸二日も赤ん坊の様にずーっと寝て回復。どうやらお腹の風邪が流行っているようですが、私のはただの風邪で、お腹の調子が悪かったのは買い置きの冷凍食品のせいっぽかったけれど… ケンスケはオッパイとオムツ以外は寝てくれていたので、かなり助かった。その点、乳児は楽だわ。時々私も寝るのが商売の赤ちゃんに(戻りたい?)なりたいよ〜
Well, as Beejay was sick on NYE and New Year's day, my turn came around on Friday... I was sick and spend Friday and Saturday in bed/couch. Supposedly some type of stomach bug is going around, including Japan (gotta love global world we live in today...), although I believe my stomach issue was due to the oily food I ate night before... Luckily, Ken pretty much let me sleep like a baby as long as his diapers were clean and his stomach was full.
On the other hand, Akari was a little tricky and I had to ask for help to... uhn, TV, the necessary evil. She was being couch potato on Friday, so I can sleep. I know, it's not my proudest moment as mother. But, on the positive side (?), she learned to say "no way" in Japanese from watching TV... haha
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