Thursday, March 28, 2013
体調管理が難しい it's too hard to keep up.
Oh please, please stop this crazy weather, someone!! It was snowing on Monday, but now the forecast says the temperature on the weekend will be in 60ºF?! This roller-coaster like weather definitely messing us up....
Kids got sick last week. Akari picked up something over the weekend, and started coughing at night. It got so bad that she kept waking up too. Poor thing... Then it got passed onto Ken who ended up having a slight fever, and top of laryngomalacia he has, the congestion got really bad. So I had to take him to get checked just in case. Luckily, both kids got better after a few days.
However, then I got sinus infection, ironically because of the humidifier we were using to treat kids' cough! Ugh!!! It seems like I get sinus infection so frequently. It's a little ridiculous...
ママが体調悪くて、育児を半分放棄すると子供たちはこんな感じに… ごめんね。良くないとはわかっていながらも、テレビをつけてその間に私は休養。泣き虫チビ介は抱っこしてもらえなくてビェ〜。
Unfortunately, that was how kids were while their mom was being nonfunctional due to sinus pressure. In order to get some rest, I had to get some help from TV for A, and hold Ken so he won't cry...
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
photo a day // 03.25-03.27
march day no.25 • in your drawer
only organized drawer to photograph...
march day no.26 • something you did
very first egg hunt on the past weekend!
march day no.27 • pair
I want nicely designed salt and pepper shaker...
Monday, March 25, 2013
イースターのエッグハント Easter egg hunt
来月に二歳になるチビ姉。土曜日にイースターのエッグハント初体験してきました。去年の今頃はまだよちよち歩きで、エッグハントなんて無理だったの が懐かしい・・・楽しむかちょっと心配だったのだけれども、かなり楽しんでました。
On this past Saturday, Akari enjoyed her very first Easter egg hunt! The last year, she was just started to walk and didn't think she'd enjoy it. But my almost two year-old loved her basket and the colorful eggs (not much of what were inside). She wanted to bring the basket and eggs with her even today when we were running for errands... So silly!
嬉しかったのが、マイペースに卵を探すちび姉のために、係の人がすぐ見 える場所にわざわざ卵をおいてくれたんです。大きい子たちが殆ど見つけてしまった後だったので、最初は2個しかなかった卵も、そういった係の人の暖かい気遣いのおかげで、4つまで増えましたびっくりしたのが、このイベント無料なんです!エッグハント以外にも、子供が喜びそうな催しがいっぱいで、是非来年も参加したいですね。
It was very nice of people at the event to place eggs in obvious places just for her after most of eggs were taken by older kids. So at the end of it, she managed to find four eggs at the end of the day. What was crazy is that this event was totally free and there were lots of kids-oriented activities besides the egg hunt. Hoping to do this again next year with both kids!
Easter Eggstravaganza
Sunday, March 24, 2013
photo a day // 03.21-03.24
I have been taking pictures everyday, however I haven't had time to upload them on the blog, so here are 4 days worth of photos...
march day no.21 • working
仕事しながらデスクでランチ。近所のベーカリーのポテト、ほうれん草、お肉のパイはとても美味しかった〜 ...and eating lunch. These samosa, spinach pie and meat pies from Mediterranean Bakery were so yummy!
march day no.22 • about you
obsessed with stripes!
march day no.23 • what you do for fun
I do paper craft besides taking photos, cooking and backing.
march day no.24 • up
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March photo a day list | taken by iPhone
Thursday, March 21, 2013
photo a day // 03.18 • 03.19 • 03.20
march day no.18 • shoes
impulse buy of these great spring color shoes
march day no.19 • a sign
since the weather was better, we went for walk and noticed signs that spring is almost here...
march day no.20 • clean
clean plate after eating sweets with my tea time
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March photo a day list | taken by iPhone
Sunday, March 17, 2013
photo a day // 03.16 & 03.17
march day no.16 • 9 o'clock
march day no.17 • green
from the salad mix
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March photo a day list | taken by iPhone
March photo a day list | taken by iPhone
Friday, March 15, 2013
ちび介の4ヶ月健診 4 months check-up
どうやってこの年子姉弟を軒下まで雨の中連れて行くかいろいろ考えました。晴れていたら、ダブルのベビーカーだったんですが… 結局、待っても一向に弱らない雨の中、ちび介をカー
It's been
already four months and we had to go to the check up this week, in
rain... I think it was pouring down at Akari's 4 mo. check up too! What
is going one here?!
thinking of a few ideas how to get to the building from the car with 22
mo. and 4 mo. without soaking wet, I realized that there weren't really
many options but to run with them. But guess what? I'm the only one who
can run! So I grabbed the carseat in my left arm, the toddler in my
right arm, put the umbrella on my shoulder, and ran in the rain! Oh boy, I didn't
know that I was capable of doing such heavy lifting even though I
haven't worked out since I was pregnant with Akari! It was quite a
医者に行くのに大変なのが、ちび姉!私が子供の時とそっくりで、診察室に入ろうとすると何かを察してすでに、泣きべそ。幸いにも、小児科の先生のパソコン(カルテ)が気になり、診察中は子供用の椅子を先生の隣りに持っていき、ちゃっかり座り込んでパソコンを覗き込むのに夢中で、大人しくしていてくれました(苦笑)でもその後、看護師さんが注射を持って部屋に入って来ると、ちび姉ようじゃないのに、また半泣き… オイオイ…
well, so even though it was down to 65%, his weight was over 16 lbs. No wonder my arm hurts lately... And he did well with two shots in his thighs. He cried right after the shots, but soon enough he calmed down and was sleeping in the car on the way home... Much better than previous time, Ken!
Akari also did much better than I expected. She freaked out a bit as we entered the room (just like how I used be as a kid...), and when the nurse came in with the shots thinking they were for her. But during the check-up, she was curious about the Dr.'s laptop, so she moved one of the kiddie chair next to the Dr's, and sat there to see what was on the screen whole time!
さてこのちび姉。すっかりお姉さんが板についてきて、いろいろと私たちの真似をしてお世話をしたがります。でも、力加減がわからず、弟くんはいじめだと思っていそう… ちび介が泣いていると、真っ先に飛んで行くし、今までは「べべ」と読んでいたのに、今月からはちゃんと名前を言うようになりました。取りあえず、焼きもちもやかずに仲良くしてくれているので、すごく嬉しいなぁ〜
Talking about Akari, now she calls her little brother by his name, not just "bebeh". Also she loves to take care of him, copying what we do, although still not understanding how to be gentle, poor Ken is more like being beat up... oh boy... But it's so clear that she just loves her brother and seems like she cannot get enough of him! She is constantly checking on him making sure that he is okay, and she is the first one to get to him whenever he is crying... It's cute and seeing them together makes me smile :)
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Monday, March 11, 2013
photo a day // 03.10 & 03.11
march day no.10 • I want...
my one hour back to sleep in
march day no.11 • important
time for myself
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March photo a day list | taken by iPhone and Canon 6D
March photo a day list | taken by iPhone and Canon 6D
Sunday, March 10, 2013
一応ひな祭り Girls Day
おまけに大したものは作らず、大人はお決まりのちらし寿司で。ちび姉用にはお雛様とお内裏様の手まり寿司を作ってみたけど、まだダメでした… 喜びもせず、訝しげな表情で暫く観察し、がんばって作ったお飾りを分解され、ちょっとかじっただけ… お内裏様、かなり無惨な姿のまま放置されていたよ〜(↑)(苦笑)しかし、キャラ弁(?)を毎日作っている日本のママさんには脱帽です。グッズが豊富とはいえ、簡単そうに思えた手まり寿司でさえ、かなり手こずった私。絶対あんな手のかかる事、毎朝出来ない!こればっかりは、日本に住んでいなくて良かったと思わず思ってしまったわ・・・
I feel like there are tons of things to take care of, and there is no enough time in a day any more... So this year, I didn't get to prepare traditional dinner for the Girls day (hinamatsuri) , but ended up cooking it next day... I hope what counts is the effort, right?? Despite my effort to cook these cute rice balls that were supposed to be the dolls that are displayed for the event, my almost-two-year-old didn't seem to be impressed or cared about them too much... She just looked at them, took them apart, and nibbled a bit. Look at the sad ending!! oh no! ...hopefully next year, she will be old enough to appreciate them :( :: sigh::
お雛様も一週間前にやっと出して飾り、さっさと片付けるのも寂しいのでまだ飾ってあります。…あれ?出しっぱなしにしておくと、嫁にいけないんだっけ?!ちび姉には怒られそうだけれど、旦那は喜びそうなだなぁ〜(苦笑) このお雛様、実は私の祖父母が私のために買ってくれたもので30年以上前の代物。両親が気を効かせ、二回目の海外転勤でアメリカに戻って来た際に一緒に持って来てくれ、去年の帰国の際にチビ姉用にと残してくれしました。まさか、自分のお雛様を娘のために飾ってあげられるなんて思ってもみなかったので、すごく嬉しい!
These dolls are ones my grandparents bought for me when I was born. Luckily when my parents moved back here a few years ago, they brought the dolls with them. I am very happy that I get to hand them down to my daughter.
おまけに大したものは作らず、大人はお決まりのちらし寿司で。ちび姉用にはお雛様とお内裏様の手まり寿司を作ってみたけど、まだダメでした… 喜びもせず、訝しげな表情で暫く観察し、がんばって作ったお飾りを分解され、ちょっとかじっただけ… お内裏様、かなり無惨な姿のまま放置されていたよ〜(↑)(苦笑)しかし、キャラ弁(?)を毎日作っている日本のママさんには脱帽です。グッズが豊富とはいえ、簡単そうに思えた手まり寿司でさえ、かなり手こずった私。絶対あんな手のかかる事、毎朝出来ない!こればっかりは、日本に住んでいなくて良かったと思わず思ってしまったわ・・・
I feel like there are tons of things to take care of, and there is no enough time in a day any more... So this year, I didn't get to prepare traditional dinner for the Girls day (hinamatsuri) , but ended up cooking it next day... I hope what counts is the effort, right?? Despite my effort to cook these cute rice balls that were supposed to be the dolls that are displayed for the event, my almost-two-year-old didn't seem to be impressed or cared about them too much... She just looked at them, took them apart, and nibbled a bit. Look at the sad ending!! oh no! ...hopefully next year, she will be old enough to appreciate them :( :: sigh::
These dolls are ones my grandparents bought for me when I was born. Luckily when my parents moved back here a few years ago, they brought the dolls with them. I am very happy that I get to hand them down to my daughter.
Saturday, March 09, 2013
Friday, March 08, 2013
photo a day // 03.06 & 03.07
march day no.06 • chair(s)
(...for little ones)
march day no.07 • fear
(...of going blind one day)
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March photo a day list | both taken by iPhone
March photo a day list | both taken by iPhone
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
友達のベビーシャワー friend's baby shower
I organized a baby shower for my friend who is expecting at the end of this month. The Saturday was gloomy and cold, but we all had great time and talked over awesome pizza and cakes in the nice cozy room with lots of natural lights through the huge windows.
Everyone was mom, so naturally we talked about kid's related subjects that I couldn't have imaging talking casually over lunch before I became a mother... If there were guys or non-parents, they probably couldn't believe what we were talking about!! ha! It was great that I get take lots of pictures (as you see), my friend enjoyed her baby shower, and we all seemed to have good time. I cannot thank enough for my husband for looking after the little ones while I was gone...
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
photo a day // 03.04 & 03.05
march day no.04 • lucky
(crane for good luck)
march day no.05 • under
(under ground)
• • •
March photo a day list | both taken by iPhone
March photo a day list | both taken by iPhone
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