Thursday, March 28, 2013

体調管理が難しい it's too hard to keep up.





Oh please, please stop this crazy weather, someone!! It was snowing on Monday, but now the forecast says the temperature on the weekend will be in 60ºF?! This roller-coaster like weather definitely messing us up....

Kids got sick last week. Akari picked up something over the weekend, and started coughing at night. It got so bad that she kept waking up too. Poor thing... Then it got passed onto Ken who ended up having a slight fever, and top of laryngomalacia he has, the congestion got really bad. So I had to take him to get checked just in case. Luckily, both kids got better after a few days. 

However, then I got sinus infection, ironically because of the humidifier we were using to treat kids' cough! Ugh!!! It seems like I get sinus infection so frequently. It's a little ridiculous...

ママが体調悪くて、育児を半分放棄すると子供たちはこんな感じに… ごめんね。良くないとはわかっていながらも、テレビをつけてその間に私は休養。泣き虫チビ介は抱っこしてもらえなくてビェ〜。

Unfortunately, that was how kids were while their mom was being nonfunctional due to sinus pressure. In order to get some rest, I had to get some help from TV for A, and hold Ken so he won't cry... 



  1. あらまあ、大丈夫ですか?気候が踏んだり蹴ったりでそりゃあ体調も悪くなっちゃいますよね。今は体が資本ですから休めるときに休んで(って、いつ?)無理せず頑張ってください。

    1. なほ二郎さん+++
      あれから悪化して週末になったとたん、完全にダウンして寝込んでいましたよ〜トホホ。幸い熱はなかったのですが、本当に旦那のいる週末で助かりました。母親体が勝負ですからね… 子供はバイ菌マンでうつされるから辛いですね〜
