Thursday, April 25, 2013

photo a day 04.1-04.07

April 01/30 • playing
April 02/30 • blue
 April 03/30 • something begins with A
April 04/30 • this happened today
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A package with lots of pretty stamps arrived from Japan!
April 05/30 • something good
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Warmer and prittier weather is here! 
April 06/30 • air
April 07/30 • dreamy
• • •

I'm going to upload photos for April a little by little...

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April photo list | taken by iPhone | Find me on Instagram

2歳の誕生日 Second birthday


そんなんで、可哀想なことに体調不良のまま迎えることになったちび姉の2歳の誕生日。あまり元気がなかったけれど、誕生日プレゼントは喜んでくれました!あ まりオモチャで遊ばないので、かなり悩んだけれどキッチンセットは大ヒット☆ ちび姉、いつも連れて行くプレイグループでは必ずおままごとをしていたり、台所でボールや泡立て器で遊んでたしね。どうやら大人の真似をして遊ぶのが好きな様です。「スープ作って〜」と頼むとキッチンにダッシュ(笑)


Things has been a lot more crazier than ever with kids, work, and everything in my life. Once again, they both got sick this month. Perhaps this crazy roller coaster like weather is to be blamed... It was in 90ºFs one week, then drop back to 50ºFs. While I didn't want to hot summer weather in April, this has been a little too much. Ugh!
So unfortunately, A has been sick since last Thursday, and we didn't get to do much for her birthday besides spending time with her. But this IKEA kitchen was the biggest hit with her who rarely plays with any toys she has. After noticing that she ALWAYS play with cooking toys at the playgroup as well as with my cooking utensils in the kitchen, we have decided to get this to her. We were a little nervous if she won't play with it, but she LOVES it!! Today, I asked her to cook me some soup, she ran over there and made me soup! So cute.

Because she didn't have much of appetite on her birthday, I fixed her one of her favorites (with sneaking in some grated carrots for veggie), pancakes! Once she gets better (hopefully soon since it's been almost a week), we are planning to celebrate her birthday with a cake =)

Friday, April 12, 2013

そろそろ it's almos time for...

今月でチビ介くん、5ヶ月です。ちび姉もそうだったけれど、この月齢って手足を良く動かす様になりじっとしていられなりますね〜常に動きがおおげさなので興奮状態にも見えたり(笑)相変わらずうつ伏せの練習を忘れがちの私。上の子の時は、頻繁に育児書を読んでいたのに、二人目だと読みもせず… 極端な違いに自分でも呆れてますが、完全に手抜き育児でもちゃんと成長してますよ〜(汗)

最近うつぶせからゴロンと半回転寝返りが出来る様に。寝返りする日もそんなに遠くなさそうなので、添い寝しているベッドからクリブに移さないと、危なさそうです〜 なので、アメリカ式にスリープトレーニングを開始!でもかなり今回は自己流に、夜中の授乳を止めさせてからクリブへ移動の予定。クリブ移動→夜中の授乳中止だと、絶対泣かれて起こされるので私の負担が大きいかなと… 効き目はあるのだけれど、泣かせ続けるのは出来ればしなくないしね。今のところ、オシャブリさえあればどうにか夜中起きてもまた寝てくれています。ほっ…もう暫く様子を見て、大丈夫そうだったら殆ど使ってない(苦笑)クリブに移動だぁ〜 そうしら、夜中にかわいく愛らしいちび介の寝顔の代わりに、目を開けると旦那のひげ顔があるのか…ちぇっ

Ken turned 5 months on Monday. Just like how his sister was, he's become more animated, and his little arms and feet are always moving around as he is constantly excited. It's funny how much I'm more relax this time around and not reading developmental books religiously everyday. ...I'm too busy and lazy, I guess? But he is doing just fine! 

Even though his forgetful mom probably isn't giving him enough tummy time, he can roll back to the on-his-back position during the tummy time.  So that means, soon he will be rolling around everywhere and I need to let him sleep in his crib at night now... Out of convenience, I have been co-sleeping with him on my bed (believe me it was the best decision I ever made and I've been scratching my head why I didn't do that with Akari!) and feeding him in bed at night. So starting on this week, I've been sleep-training him, in my own way. My goal is to stop midnight feeding, then once he sleeps throughout the nights, I will move him to the crib... hoping I don't have to do the CIO method even though I know it's very effective (we did that with A.). So far, as long as he has a paci, he has been doing great this week. Perhaps, it might be sooner than I though that I don't get to see the adorable face of my cute innocent boy, but instead there will be my husband's face... ha!


Thursday, April 11, 2013

photo a day // 03.28-03.31 (catch up)

I know it's already in the second week of April, but here are the remaining photos from March. Things has been a little tough for me lately trying to juggle everything in my life, but I have been taking a photo every day, just haven't been posting here...

march day no.28 • in the mirror

march day no.29 • goodnight

march day no.30 • relax

march day no.31 • stuff
