そんなんで、可哀想なことに体調不良のまま迎えることになったちび姉の2歳の誕生日。あまり元気がなかったけれど、誕生日プレゼントは喜んでくれました!あ まりオモチャで遊ばないので、かなり悩んだけれどキッチンセットは大ヒット☆ ちび姉、いつも連れて行くプレイグループでは必ずおままごとをしていたり、台所でボールや泡立て器で遊んでたしね。どうやら大人の真似をして遊ぶのが好きな様です。「スープ作って〜」と頼むとキッチンにダッシュ(笑)
Things has been a lot more crazier than ever with kids, work, and everything in my life. Once again, they both got sick this month. Perhaps this crazy roller coaster like weather is to be blamed... It was in 90ºFs one week, then drop back to 50ºFs. While I didn't want to hot summer weather in April, this has been a little too much. Ugh!
So unfortunately, A has been sick since last Thursday, and we didn't get to do much for her birthday besides spending time with her. But this IKEA kitchen was the biggest hit with her who rarely plays with any toys she has. After noticing that she ALWAYS play with cooking toys at the playgroup as well as with my cooking utensils in the kitchen, we have decided to get this to her. We were a little nervous if she won't play with it, but she LOVES it!! Today, I asked her to cook me some soup, she ran over there and made me soup! So cute.
Because she didn't have much of appetite on her birthday, I fixed her one of her favorites (with sneaking in some grated carrots for veggie), pancakes! Once she gets better (hopefully soon since it's been almost a week), we are planning to celebrate her birthday with a cake =)