I don't want to move for a least next 10 years! I'm done with moving!! We finally moved in to Old Louisville this past Saturday. We were already surprised how nice our neighbor is. Beth from the 1st floor greeted us with homemade chocolate chip cookies right after everything was moved into the apt around 9pm. That was very sweet of her, literally...
ちなみに9時半には来るはずだった引越し屋さんは、トレーラーを見つけるのに手間取ったため11時半にレキシントンのアパートに来る。予想してたより荷物が多かったらしく、全てをトレーラーに乗せるのに手こずり、結局ルイビルに向かったのが3時半・・・ 実際に大した荷物運びをしなかったにも関わらず疲れたあ〜
The mover was supposed to show up by 9:30a, but because they had an issue with a tailor, they showed up around 11:30a. Turned out we had way more stuff than they expected, they had a bit of problems loading everything... By the time we were able to head out to Louisville, it was 3:30p. Yikes!!
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