引越してから2日目の朝、アパート前に路駐しておいたマイカーの無惨な姿… 夜中に引っ掛けられたらしく、非常識にも犯人は当て逃げした模様… 被害は$3、200(約35万円)相当!保険でほぼカバーされたから良かったけど、酷過ぎ!!!
This is what we found out at 2nd morning in Old Louisville. My car was parked on the street and someone sideswiped the car at night without leaving a note. It was $3,200 worth of damage. I was lucky that the insurance covered most part and I just had to pay the deductible. It was still devastating!!!
韓国製のキンチョウマット(蚊取り線香)。韓国人経営のスーパーで、絵をみて購入… 新しいトコはヤブ蚊が多い〜
Korean mosquito repellent mats which I found at an Asian grocery store. There a lots of huge mosquitoes and I have been bitten everyday whenever I go outside. :(
Independence Day weekend, a friend of Beejay had a bon fire at his yard. While we were out there, neighbors were busy firing up the leftover fireworks from the day before.
新しいアパートはフロアリングのたね、滑るので走れ回れず不機嫌なコーディー。Unhappy Cody who cannot run around because of the hardwood floor at the new apt.
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