Tuesday, August 05, 2008

ラッキー♪/Lucky Me

{Poraloid SX-70 from 70's}

POLASTYLE.COMに掲載されていた、このカメラで撮った写真に魅了されて以来、気になっていたSX-70.偶然にも亜試しに行ったフレアマーケットのようなお店で、低価格で発見! 嬉しさのあまりに「あっ〜!」と言ったのみで、声が出てこなかった… ちゃんと使えるけど、試し取りしていたらフィルムがきれてしまったので、買いにいかなくてわっ。…生産中止になってしまったポラロイド。まだ売っているといいなあ〜

This was something I've been wanting for a while. Not only it's authentically neat and nicely designed, I have seen photos with amazing color palette taken by this model on this site. I snagged this vintage camera at Tickled Pink which I read about on one of the local weekly paper. Lately I haven't been a big fan of thrift store shopping for various reasons. But this store was a lot different from any other ones. It was more like a vintage/second-hand store, I guess. I'm pretty sure that I will go back there occasionally to see if they got something neat like this Polaroid.

The camera is in excellent working condition, but I just ran out of the films... argh! Which reminds me and makes me sad that Poraloid is no longer producing the films. What a shame!

{Bastardino the Cactus Friend, by Tokidoki}

しばらく欲しがっていたコレ。地元のレコード店で偶然にも発見!いい歳しておもちゃ買って・・・ まだまだ成長してないなぁ〜

It was a rare finding at the local music store, Ear X-tacy. I have been contemplating whether to get this particular one from an online store for a little while, but didn't feel like paying for S&H.

I'm still buying toys at this age. I guess I've never grown up...

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Bell of Louisville



(photo: Bell of Louisville. This is the one we rode)

This was over a month ago... I got to ride on the steamboat for the first time. The trip was about 2 hours on Ohio river. It was a lot of fun. Thanks to Beejay's co-workers who kindly invited us to join them!


Water came down like rain after the steam got cool down in the air when we were out on the deck.

カゲロウって初めて見たよー。バッタの一種と勘違い… いっぱい飛んでた。これはビージェイの肩に止まったのをパチリ。

It was a Mayfly which I found it out later. There were many of them flying around on the river. This dude was brave enough to land on Beejay's shoulder. Of course, Beejay was freaking out a little... funny...

蒸気船と同化してしまった哀れなカゲロウも… ち〜ん
One unlucky Mayfly turned blue.

蒸気船からの夕焼け。きれー。beautiful sunset from the boat.