{Poraloid SX-70 from 70's}
POLASTYLE.COMに掲載されていた、このカメラで撮った写真に魅了されて以来、気になっていたSX-70.偶然にも亜試しに行ったフレアマーケットのようなお店で、低価格で発見! 嬉しさのあまりに「あっ〜!」と言ったのみで、声が出てこなかった… ちゃんと使えるけど、試し取りしていたらフィルムがきれてしまったので、買いにいかなくてわっ。…生産中止になってしまったポラロイド。まだ売っているといいなあ〜
This was something I've been wanting for a while. Not only it's authentically neat and nicely designed, I have seen photos with amazing color palette taken by this model on this site. I snagged this vintage camera at Tickled Pink which I read about on one of the local weekly paper. Lately I haven't been a big fan of thrift store shopping for various reasons. But this store was a lot different from any other ones. It was more like a vintage/second-hand store, I guess. I'm pretty sure that I will go back there occasionally to see if they got something neat like this Polaroid.
The camera is in excellent working condition, but I just ran out of the films... argh! Which reminds me and makes me sad that Poraloid is no longer producing the films. What a shame!
{Bastardino the Cactus Friend, by Tokidoki}
しばらく欲しがっていたコレ。地元のレコード店で偶然にも発見!いい歳しておもちゃ買って・・・ まだまだ成長してないなぁ〜
It was a rare finding at the local music store, Ear X-tacy. I have been contemplating whether to get this particular one from an online store for a little while, but didn't feel like paying for S&H.
I'm still buying toys at this age. I guess I've never grown up...
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