Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow/Ice Storm 2009

アイスストームと大雪で待ち全体が文字通り凍り付いちゃった!ラッキーにもうちは停電にならなかったけど、大勢の人は停電らしい。アパートの裏の駐車場に止めてある車は雪と氷、氷の重みで折れた木やケーブルのためにしばらく動けなさそう...閉じ込められた〜!! 車の屋根には雪が3cmほど積もった上に1cmの厚さの氷がはり、その上に更に3cmの雪が積もってた。

So far we are lucky enough to have the power this time... We got pretty good amount of snow, probably 5+ inch plus ice. Our cars are currently blocked in the parking lot behind the apt because of snow, ice, fallen trees and cables. YIKES!!

 カチンコチン。totally frozen.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just like a snake


Look what I found in the kitchen today! Cody's cast-off skin, sitting as if Cody was still inside of the shell made of a blanket. Pretty funny! It reminded me of a bug or snake.

Poor old Cody who is turning 18 in the dog year has been shivering inside of the apt. I cover her up with a blanket while she is laying down in her bed while I'm working at the desk. But because of her sweater, whenever she gets up and walk around the house, the blanket will be attached to her sweater following her wherever she goes.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Daily Findings: Mattias Adolfsson

I came across the blog of Mattias Adolfsson. I love his style of illustrations! They also reminds me of Hayao Miyazaki's work. Somewhat dream like subjects.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Print Gocco プリントゴッコ

Not sure how many people show got these holiday card realized that they were screen printed since this was my first attempt. I finally had a chance to use a Print Gocco I bought in Japan the last January!!

今シーズンのクリスマスカードは自作のイラストをつかい、プリントゴッコで印刷。いったい何人が気づいてくれた事やら… 1年前にわざわざ日本の東急ハンズで購入しスーツケースで持ってきたんだよ〜

Hitting the correct registration was a lot harder than I've ever imagined. I ended up with about 20 cards that weren't good enough to use... OUCH!


Monday, January 19, 2009

スノボ / Snowboarding @Paoli

At last!! We finally had a chance to go to a ski resort this past weekend. I have been aching to bring Beejay who has never hit the slopes. I was hoping that he'd get into snowboarding (he was rather interested in snowboarding than skiing). That way I will have someone to go together. We found out about Paoli Peak, a small local ski resort about 45 miles away from Louisville.

ついにスキー場に行ってきたぁ!!ビージェイは今回が生まれて初めて。行ってきたのは車で1時間ほどのインディアナのPaoli Peak. 超ローカルで小さかったけどそれなりに楽しかった。

As you see, the snow was mostly man-made and the surrounding environment had no snow! In the past, all ski places I visited were actually in mountains. So it was really odd driving through the flat land of Indiana to get to Paoli Peak. However overall it was a good place to start for Beejay because it wasn't too pricey and there was enough snow to enjoy.

人口雪のゲレンデなんで丘から見る景色は全く雪がなく変だった。しかも道のりは山らしき山なんて見えない比較的平らな(トウモロコシ?)畑を39マイル。なんとなく心配だったよ〜 ちゃんとあるのかなんて思っちゃったり。でもスノボ初心者の私たちには安めでよかったかも。なんだかんだ言って楽しかったあ。ビージェイもまた是非行きたいってって!よかったあ。

I usually ski but this time I tried snowboarding this time. We took a snowboarding class together. We had a great time, but the next day our bodies were so achy. We cannot remember how many times we fell and got wiped out. We need to work out...

今回は2人そろってクラスを。何回くらい転んだんだろう〜 翌日はかなりあちこち痛くて、いかに運動不足なのかを思い知る羽目に...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Holidays in VA [photos]

Happy New Year from Cody who is very unhappy because we had to leave my parents' house. --> PHOTOS

This Christmas we spent some time with our families in Virginia. It was really nice long break in the warmer weather. One point it went up to 70F in December!! --> PHOTOS