ついにスキー場に行ってきたぁ!!ビージェイは今回が生まれて初めて。行ってきたのは車で1時間ほどのインディアナのPaoli Peak. 超ローカルで小さかったけどそれなりに楽しかった。

As you see, the snow was mostly man-made and the surrounding environment had no snow! In the past, all ski places I visited were actually in mountains. So it was really odd driving through the flat land of Indiana to get to Paoli Peak. However overall it was a good place to start for Beejay because it wasn't too pricey and there was enough snow to enjoy.
人口雪のゲレンデなんで丘から見る景色は全く雪がなく変だった。しかも道のりは山らしき山なんて見えない比較的平らな(トウモロコシ?)畑を39マイル。なんとなく心配だったよ〜 ちゃんとあるのかなんて思っちゃったり。でもスノボ初心者の私たちには安めでよかったかも。なんだかんだ言って楽しかったあ。ビージェイもまた是非行きたいってって!よかったあ。

I usually ski but this time I tried snowboarding this time. We took a snowboarding class together. We had a great time, but the next day our bodies were so achy. We cannot remember how many times we fell and got wiped out. We need to work out...
今回は2人そろってクラスを。何回くらい転んだんだろう〜 翌日はかなりあちこち痛くて、いかに運動不足なのかを思い知る羽目に...
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