のんびりとした週末でした。寝すぎたわ。週末になると目覚まし時計がなっても全然起きられないから不思議・・・閉店ギリギリになっていった(週末に地元農家が集まり直販する)ファーマーズ・マーケットでブルーベリーをゲット。よく行くのがHightlandsというエリアのBardstown Road沿いのもの。500mlの容器に山盛りで$4はお買い得!パンケーキをつくってみたよ。甘酸っぱくっておいしかったよ。
This past weekend was somewhat slower. It seems impossible to get up on the weekend unless I have to. It's so interesting that even though my brain isn't totally awake, it knows it's weekend and it's okay to sleep in... Although I crawled out of the bed 2 hours later than I planned (!), I managed to get to the farmer's market on Bardstown Road in the Highlands before they closed. This time a cup full of blueberries caught my eyes and they were only $4. On the following day, these blueberries were used to make the blueberry pancakes. They were slightly sour and delicious!

レシピはこちら。ほとんど餃子と材料も作り方も変わらないんだね〜 初めて発見。餃子とは違った皮のたたみ方で可愛く出来たよ。次はエビ入れても美味しそうかも。実は材料をみじん切りの際に左の中指を切ってしまったんだけど、食いしん坊の私は懲りずに痛いのを我慢しつつ、バンソコウと手袋して料理進・・・ まだ痛いけど美味しかったから良いかな?
For the Sunday dinner, I changed my mind and made dumplings with Chinese chives instead of gyoza (Japanese dumpling) after realizing that I didn't have enough cabbage to make them. Using the recipe I found online, they turned out great! I think I will add shrimp next time. Despite the fact I have sliced off a part of my left middle finger, I kept cooking with a glove on... So I was especially happy when they turned out great.
We watched the fireworks in Charlestown, IN on Saturday night.
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