Tuesday, June 30, 2009
街中アート / hidden art
HighlandのBardstown Road沿いで発見。キャンバスってわざわざ描いてあるのがいい感じ。The "canvas" and the stenciled artwork were found in the Highlands. I liked the cat looked like it was hiding!
お店の壁の模様と一体化しているメーター。カメレオンみたい・・・コレもHighlandsのBardstown Roadで。The meter was painted to blend with the painted wall of the store. How neat!
Found them at the store near Japantown in San Francisco.
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Monday, June 29, 2009
のんびり週末 / slower weekend
のんびりとした週末でした。寝すぎたわ。週末になると目覚まし時計がなっても全然起きられないから不思議・・・閉店ギリギリになっていった(週末に地元農家が集まり直販する)ファーマーズ・マーケットでブルーベリーをゲット。よく行くのがHightlandsというエリアのBardstown Road沿いのもの。500mlの容器に山盛りで$4はお買い得!パンケーキをつくってみたよ。甘酸っぱくっておいしかったよ。
This past weekend was somewhat slower. It seems impossible to get up on the weekend unless I have to. It's so interesting that even though my brain isn't totally awake, it knows it's weekend and it's okay to sleep in... Although I crawled out of the bed 2 hours later than I planned (!), I managed to get to the farmer's market on Bardstown Road in the Highlands before they closed. This time a cup full of blueberries caught my eyes and they were only $4. On the following day, these blueberries were used to make the blueberry pancakes. They were slightly sour and delicious!
餃子を作るつもりが急遽ニラまんじゅうに変更。キャベツが足りなかったのと買ったニラを使い切りたかったので。レシピはクックパッドで発見。レシピはこちら。ほとんど餃子と材料も作り方も変わらないんだね〜 初めて発見。餃子とは違った皮のたたみ方で可愛く出来たよ。次はエビ入れても美味しそうかも。実は材料をみじん切りの際に左の中指を切ってしまったんだけど、食いしん坊の私は懲りずに痛いのを我慢しつつ、バンソコウと手袋して料理進・・・ まだ痛いけど美味しかったから良いかな?
For the Sunday dinner, I changed my mind and made dumplings with Chinese chives instead of gyoza (Japanese dumpling) after realizing that I didn't have enough cabbage to make them. Using the recipe I found online, they turned out great! I think I will add shrimp next time. Despite the fact I have sliced off a part of my left middle finger, I kept cooking with a glove on... So I was especially happy when they turned out great.
We watched the fireworks in Charlestown, IN on Saturday night.
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This past weekend was somewhat slower. It seems impossible to get up on the weekend unless I have to. It's so interesting that even though my brain isn't totally awake, it knows it's weekend and it's okay to sleep in... Although I crawled out of the bed 2 hours later than I planned (!), I managed to get to the farmer's market on Bardstown Road in the Highlands before they closed. This time a cup full of blueberries caught my eyes and they were only $4. On the following day, these blueberries were used to make the blueberry pancakes. They were slightly sour and delicious!
餃子を作るつもりが急遽ニラまんじゅうに変更。キャベツが足りなかったのと買ったニラを使い切りたかったので。レシピはクックパッドで発見。レシピはこちら。ほとんど餃子と材料も作り方も変わらないんだね〜 初めて発見。餃子とは違った皮のたたみ方で可愛く出来たよ。次はエビ入れても美味しそうかも。実は材料をみじん切りの際に左の中指を切ってしまったんだけど、食いしん坊の私は懲りずに痛いのを我慢しつつ、バンソコウと手袋して料理進・・・ まだ痛いけど美味しかったから良いかな?
For the Sunday dinner, I changed my mind and made dumplings with Chinese chives instead of gyoza (Japanese dumpling) after realizing that I didn't have enough cabbage to make them. Using the recipe I found online, they turned out great! I think I will add shrimp next time. Despite the fact I have sliced off a part of my left middle finger, I kept cooking with a glove on... So I was especially happy when they turned out great.
We watched the fireworks in Charlestown, IN on Saturday night.
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Thursday, June 25, 2009
自炊がんばってみた / trying to cook more
最近自炊がんばってみました☆ 焼き肉風炒め物とごはん。ドライカレー。ダイコン餅と麻婆豆腐。トンカツ。揚げ物は普段あまりしないんだけど、無性にトンカツが食べたくなったので。外で食べるとそんなに美味しくもないのに、日本食ってだけで高いし。下手すると出てくる米が中粒か長粒米・・・ 普通の日本食店ってルイビル皆無だもんね〜 しかしビージェイが文字通り何でも食べるんでホント助かります。日本食やアジア系苦手だったら献立考えるのつらいわ・・・
I'm back in the mood to cook again. From the top left, BBQ beef with veggie, curry, daikon radish mochi and mapo dofu, and pork cutlet. Because there aren't too many places who serve what I crave, if they do they are too over priced anyway. Pretty much only option I have is to cook for myself. I tend to cook food I ate growing up, and that means lot of Japanese food. So I got lucky that Beejay eats everything I cook. Life will be very difficult if he were a picky eater... Yikes.
I tried this noodle from the Korean grocery store I go often. I like it a lot and it reminded me of Bibimbap but using noodle instead of rice with.
初めてピザを粉から作ってみたよ〜 生地の発酵に時間はかかるけど意外と簡単だったかも。ベランダで育てているバジル使って、野菜のトッピングいっぱいのせて… でもトマトソースのレシピが良くなかったのか味はまあまあ。(・ε・)工夫して納得いくピザ作りがんばるぞ〜
My first try at pizza making from the scratch! It did take time to make the dough but it wasn't too hard and used the basil I'm growing on the deck... put lots of veggies... hmmmmm... I guess the recipe for the sauce was the greatest, not thick enough. It looks like my battle of making taste pizza has to continue...
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I'm back in the mood to cook again. From the top left, BBQ beef with veggie, curry, daikon radish mochi and mapo dofu, and pork cutlet. Because there aren't too many places who serve what I crave, if they do they are too over priced anyway. Pretty much only option I have is to cook for myself. I tend to cook food I ate growing up, and that means lot of Japanese food. So I got lucky that Beejay eats everything I cook. Life will be very difficult if he were a picky eater... Yikes.
I tried this noodle from the Korean grocery store I go often. I like it a lot and it reminded me of Bibimbap but using noodle instead of rice with.
初めてピザを粉から作ってみたよ〜 生地の発酵に時間はかかるけど意外と簡単だったかも。ベランダで育てているバジル使って、野菜のトッピングいっぱいのせて… でもトマトソースのレシピが良くなかったのか味はまあまあ。(・ε・)工夫して納得いくピザ作りがんばるぞ〜
My first try at pizza making from the scratch! It did take time to make the dough but it wasn't too hard and used the basil I'm growing on the deck... put lots of veggies... hmmmmm... I guess the recipe for the sauce was the greatest, not thick enough. It looks like my battle of making taste pizza has to continue...
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009
San Francisco trip
半分やけでサンフランシスコに行って来てしまった・・・ だって彼と両親がそれぞれ1週間も西海岸に行っている間に置いてきぼり食らってるとねぇ・・・ 自分も行きたくなるんだよね。大学時の仲良しが住んでていつも遊びにくる様お誘いがあるのに、4年もの間一回も行ってなかったのもあるんだけど。この調子だとずーっと後回しにしそうなきがしたのです。観光半分で残りの時間は友達や彼の親戚と時間を過ごしてきました。
This is such a last minute decision to go to San Francisco, went there on Friday and came back on Monday. We spend a half of time there being tourists and spending time with family and friend. The weather turned out be be awesome without rain as initially said.
I had such an awesome time catching up with my good friend whom I used to spend a lot of time together. It made me feel somewhat happy to see her doing so well in the city she decide to move by literary jumping into a car with her belongings. I was feeling a little sad not knowing when will be the next time I get to spend a chunk of time with her again on the flight back home...
This is such a last minute decision to go to San Francisco, went there on Friday and came back on Monday. We spend a half of time there being tourists and spending time with family and friend. The weather turned out be be awesome without rain as initially said.
I had such an awesome time catching up with my good friend whom I used to spend a lot of time together. It made me feel somewhat happy to see her doing so well in the city she decide to move by literary jumping into a car with her belongings. I was feeling a little sad not knowing when will be the next time I get to spend a chunk of time with her again on the flight back home...
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
in Detroit [trip 3.2]
Other than eating yummy food and hanging out with Tommy, we were in Detroit for DEMF (Detroit Electronic Music Festival) which is a three-day long festival. We saw lots of people with crazy outfits and listen some awesome tunes.
Also Tommy was nice enough to show us around Detroit. It's really funny how we met Tommy in Chicago two years ago. Our friend was also in town with her friends. One of them brought Tommy with her. Hanging out a few nights with Tommy, we got along pretty well and kept in touch since then. It was so much fun!!
おいしいご飯を食べ、トミーと遊び、初めてDEMFに行き、最高の連休でした〜 この週末旅行病み付きになりそう… デトロイト在住のトミーとの出会いは不思議。二年前に行ったシカゴに偶然友達も遊びにきてて、そのとき私たちの友達の友達の友達として会ったんだけど、すぐに意気投合。そのあとも連絡を取り続けてたんだよね〜 親切にもあちらこちらと連れてってくれたのです。感謝。感謝。
Also Tommy was nice enough to show us around Detroit. It's really funny how we met Tommy in Chicago two years ago. Our friend was also in town with her friends. One of them brought Tommy with her. Hanging out a few nights with Tommy, we got along pretty well and kept in touch since then. It was so much fun!!
おいしいご飯を食べ、トミーと遊び、初めてDEMFに行き、最高の連休でした〜 この週末旅行病み付きになりそう… デトロイト在住のトミーとの出会いは不思議。二年前に行ったシカゴに偶然友達も遊びにきてて、そのとき私たちの友達の友達の友達として会ったんだけど、すぐに意気投合。そのあとも連絡を取り続けてたんだよね〜 親切にもあちらこちらと連れてってくれたのです。感謝。感謝。
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
in Detroit suburb [trip 3.1]
久しぶりのラーメン美味しかったぁ〜 お寿司屋さんとかは結構あるけどラーメンはアメリカじゃなかなかないんだよね・・・ シカゴ郊外のはまあまあだったし。うどんのドンブリのような物で出てきたような… まっちゃんラーメンは日本で食べられるようなラーメンだった。感激・・・ 冷や麦茶まで出てきたし、値段もお手頃なところが◎。山菜(私)と豚骨(B)をオーダーしたけど、いつものようにミソにしとけば良かったかな〜 醤油ってさっぱりしつぎ☆ またぜひ行きたい!
For Memorial Day weekend, we hit the road to Michigan. Because there are many Japanese companies in Michigan, there are lots of Japanese stores and restaurants.
Craving some Japanese ramen, we went to Matsuchan. This is the place to go for an authentic Japanese ramen if you are in Michigan! We were extremely happy with what we got since it's really hard to come across a restaurant who serves a good ramen. We liked this place over another ramen restaurant in the suburb of Chicago...
matsuchan restaurant
Harvard Square Plaza
5990 Sheldon Road
Canton, Michigan 48187
Tel: 734-459-1770
久しぶりのラーメン美味しかったぁ〜 お寿司屋さんとかは結構あるけどラーメンはアメリカじゃなかなかないんだよね・・・ シカゴ郊外のはまあまあだったし。うどんのドンブリのような物で出てきたような… まっちゃんラーメンは日本で食べられるようなラーメンだった。感激・・・ 冷や麦茶まで出てきたし、値段もお手頃なところが◎。山菜(私)と豚骨(B)をオーダーしたけど、いつものようにミソにしとけば良かったかな〜 醤油ってさっぱりしつぎ☆ またぜひ行きたい!
For Memorial Day weekend, we hit the road to Michigan. Because there are many Japanese companies in Michigan, there are lots of Japanese stores and restaurants.
Craving some Japanese ramen, we went to Matsuchan. This is the place to go for an authentic Japanese ramen if you are in Michigan! We were extremely happy with what we got since it's really hard to come across a restaurant who serves a good ramen. We liked this place over another ramen restaurant in the suburb of Chicago...
matsuchan restaurant
Harvard Square Plaza
5990 Sheldon Road
Canton, Michigan 48187
Tel: 734-459-1770
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