久しぶりのラーメン美味しかったぁ〜 お寿司屋さんとかは結構あるけどラーメンはアメリカじゃなかなかないんだよね・・・ シカゴ郊外のはまあまあだったし。うどんのドンブリのような物で出てきたような… まっちゃんラーメンは日本で食べられるようなラーメンだった。感激・・・ 冷や麦茶まで出てきたし、値段もお手頃なところが◎。山菜(私)と豚骨(B)をオーダーしたけど、いつものようにミソにしとけば良かったかな〜 醤油ってさっぱりしつぎ☆ またぜひ行きたい!
For Memorial Day weekend, we hit the road to Michigan. Because there are many Japanese companies in Michigan, there are lots of Japanese stores and restaurants.
Craving some Japanese ramen, we went to Matsuchan. This is the place to go for an authentic Japanese ramen if you are in Michigan! We were extremely happy with what we got since it's really hard to come across a restaurant who serves a good ramen. We liked this place over another ramen restaurant in the suburb of Chicago...
matsuchan restaurant
Harvard Square Plaza
5990 Sheldon Road
Canton, Michigan 48187
Tel: 734-459-1770
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