10年近く乗っていた愛車は洪水の被害で、最悪な事に修理費が車の価値より高く、廃車に… チ〜ン。写真でも分かる様に運転席が水に浸かってたくらいだから、多分エンジンまでやられちゃったんでしょう。故障もなく調子が良かったから後数年は安心して乗れると思っていただけに、すごく残念。もう一台もやっと今週末になってレッカー車に引張られて行きました。二台とも買替える羽目になる予感が…
My car of 10 years was totaled by the recent flood... As the photos show, the water was higher than the bottom of the front seats. So the water was probably in the engine. Since it only had about 75K miles on it and it was in the excellent condition, I was hoping to ride my car for a few more years. This is very upsetting!!! Another car was finally towed and we will find out the exact damage soon. We think that we most likely have to replace both cars... SIGH.
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Sunday, August 16, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
やっとサイト更新 / new web site
なんだかんだで予想以上に遅れてしまったデザイン・ポートフォリオのサイトの更新が無事終了〜♪ CSSはまだまだ勉強中のため、本を片手に四苦八苦… 今回は日本語と英語のページも作った。色々助けてくれた友達に感謝です… コメントや気がついた点などあったらメールください。感想とか嬉しいかなぁ
After all it ended up taking a lot longer to update my portfolio site. I finally finished it up and going live!! The development of the site definitely helped me to learn CSS. Thank you so much for everyone who helped me one way or other to finish this project! I welcome any comments and feedback.
As a prize for myself for finally updating the web site, I got these posters I have been wanting a little while now. Now I need to find wall space for them...
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After all it ended up taking a lot longer to update my portfolio site. I finally finished it up and going live!! The development of the site definitely helped me to learn CSS. Thank you so much for everyone who helped me one way or other to finish this project! I welcome any comments and feedback.
As a prize for myself for finally updating the web site, I got these posters I have been wanting a little while now. Now I need to find wall space for them...
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Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Flooded Louisville / ルイビルの大洪水
こんなのはじめて…今朝の雷雨でルイビルは洪水。 雨量が多過ぎて排水設備が着いていけず、30分位でドンドン水位があがり、アパートの前に路駐してあった車はほとんど水没。裏の駐車場に止めてあった私たちの車もみごとやられました。20センチ程水が内部まで入り、しばらく保険会社と修理工場とのやり取りに追われそうな予感… 大豆ほどのヒョウも降ったのでそのダメージもありそうだぁ。水が引くまでドコにも行けなく、午後にまた雷雨の予報なので再び洪水になるの可能性大。今のところの飲み水には影響が出ていないのと、下水が逆流していないのが不幸中の幸い。けれど はぁ〜 とため息がつきません。
Louisville is flooded!! Here in Old Louisville, all streets are under the water and most cars parked on the street submerged under the water. oh boy.... Our cars were parked in the back but a few inches of water got inside. So it looks like we have to deal with the insurance company depends on the damages to them. I'm just hoping that we don't have to buy new cars...
左が水位が最高の時で、右が雨がやんだ後の写真。The left photos are taken when the water was at the highest and the right photos are taken after the rain stopped.
I have spotted out a few people floating on the street with their boats.
Louisville is flooded!! Here in Old Louisville, all streets are under the water and most cars parked on the street submerged under the water. oh boy.... Our cars were parked in the back but a few inches of water got inside. So it looks like we have to deal with the insurance company depends on the damages to them. I'm just hoping that we don't have to buy new cars...
左が水位が最高の時で、右が雨がやんだ後の写真。The left photos are taken when the water was at the highest and the right photos are taken after the rain stopped.
I have spotted out a few people floating on the street with their boats.
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