Sunday, August 16, 2009

洪水の被害 / flood damages

10年近く乗っていた愛車は洪水の被害で、最悪な事に修理費が車の価値より高く、廃車に… チ〜ン。写真でも分かる様に運転席が水に浸かってたくらいだから、多分エンジンまでやられちゃったんでしょう。故障もなく調子が良かったから後数年は安心して乗れると思っていただけに、すごく残念。もう一台もやっと今週末になってレッカー車に引張られて行きました。二台とも買替える羽目になる予感が…

My car of 10 years was totaled by the recent flood... As the photos show, the water was higher than the bottom of the front seats. So the water was probably in the engine. Since it only had about 75K miles on it and it was in the excellent condition, I was hoping to ride my car for a few more years. This is very upsetting!!! Another car was finally towed and we will find out the exact damage soon. We think that we most likely have to replace both cars... SIGH.


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1 comment:

  1. うわ~2台とも買い替え?!

