日本の会社のホームページの検索が多い今日この頃。一つ気になることが・・・ タイポ(誤字)がやたらと多い!人のことがトヤカク言える程、英語力が完璧ではない私だが、メールで教えてあげようかと思う今日この頃。「外国語がかっこいい」との観念を持っている人が多いからなのは、わかるんだけど、使うからにはある程度チェックしてよ〜 苦笑
●某デザイン事務所。「monthly project」(月一回のプロジェクト)が「monthry project」になっていた。コレは単に勘違いじゃなくって、辞書でチェック入れていない証拠。
●某広告代理店。「mobil manufacture」はさすがに分からなく和文を読んで初めて、言いたいことを理解。「automotive/automobile manufacture」(自動車メーカー)と言いたかったみたい。そもそも「mobil」は誤字で「mobile」が正しく、英国は知らないけど、米国じゃ「mobile」といって最初に思いつくのは、携帯電話。
●日本語がある程度読める彼の以前のバイト先でのこと。明らかにデタラメで意味の分からない日本語の刺青をした客が来店。知らん顔で刺青の意味を訪ねた彼に、客は「私の○○って名前を日本語で入れたものなのよ〜」と嬉しそうに答えたそうな・・・ 「知らぬが仏」とはまさにこの事。
Being in Japan, I've been surfing Japanese sites more often than ever. What I've been noticing is that too many typos of English words. I guess English is used often since many think it's cooler to use foreign languages... I know my English isn't perfect but it's been bothering me quite often. Here are what I've seen so far...
* on the web site for a cafe:
Instead of "brunch", it was spelled out "branch". Also it turned out that it wasn't brunch at all since it was served between lunch and dinner!
* on the web site for a design firm:
Instead of "monthly project", it was spelled out as "monthry project". Obviously someone was too lazy to spell check.
* on the web site for an ad agency:
I had a hard time what they are trying to say with "mobil manufacture". After reading it in Japanese, I realized that they wanted to say "automotive/automobile manufacture"... I thought of cell phones instead of cars at first. :)
I have been wondering if I should email these places to point out their typos. :-/
Well, on other hand I have seen the incidents that are other way around as well.
* Back in college, a guy asked me to make sure his name is spelled correctly in Japanese. What he showed me was already finished tattoo on his back! Even though I had an urge to be mean and tell him that it was incorrect to freak him out, I told him the truth. What a lucky guy!
* When Beejay used to work retail, one customer who had a tattoo of random Japanese character came in to the store. Pretending that he couldn't read Japanese at all, he asked the meaning of that tattoo. She replied with a huge smile on her face, "it's my name in Japanese"... "Ignorance is a bliss"
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
delicious experience / 美味しい経験
今日は友達が通っているお料理教室で、体験レッスンを受けさせてもらってきました〜 レシピは比較的簡単だったけど、美味しく作るコツみたいのを教わって、美味しくできました。今日のメニューはサラダとココナッツカレー。カフェ風でお皿も自分でえらべて、おもしろかった。是非、家でも作ってみたいなあ。ここのスタジオすっごくオシャレで可愛い☆ ここをデザインした人、見事にターゲット層を理解しているなぁ〜♥
Today my friend took me to the cooking class she is taking. The menu was coconut curry and salad. It was fairly easy recipe but the instructor taught us a few cooking tips that will help to improve my skill. It was a very delicious experience for sure. I'd love to take more lessens if I live in Japan. They also offered bread making and baking lessons! Yummm... The interior of the studio was really cute and colorful. Whoever designed it did a great job hitting the target audience...
おまけの新バージョンの「にこにこぷん」キャラマグ。なんか妙だわ〜 「じゃじゃまる」と「ぴっころ」の顔が似ているけど、微妙に違う…
Coffee cups with the newer version of the characters based on the old kid's TV show which I grew up watching... Looks a little odd... :(
It was quite nice to get to spend time with my old friend whom I've know for 27 years...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
satisfied curiosity / ずっと気になっていた…
初のスープカレー!流行っていた頃から気にはなっていたけど、今まで全く食べる機会に恵まれなかったのデス。が、一人でも入りやすそうなお店を地元で発見。折角の機会だから、行って来たセンター北の IRiE IRiE ☆ 実は、情けないことに、ファストフードならまだしも、今まで独りで普通のレストランで食事したのは数えられる程度。ちょっとドキドキもんでした。…実際、比較的コジンマリとした店内で話相手がいなく、目線のやり場に困ったけど 苦笑
問題のスープカレーはというと、おいしかったあ♥ インドのカレーのように、スパイスがしっかり効いた複雑な味で、とてもコクがありました。でもなぜか大根下ろしの味がしたのは、気のせいかなあ?今度、家でも是非挑戦したいけど、いっぱい野菜・果物、スパイスが必要そうなので、時間のある日じゃないと無理かも…
I finally had a chance to had "soup curry" at last. I guess technically it's "curry flavored soup", a dish that was pretty popular in Japan several years ago. I have been curious about this dish. Luckily I found a restaurant within the walking distance (30 min. walk) who serves "soup curry", IRiE IRiE. It was pretty spicy but the soup had such a complex flavor from different kinds of spices and veggies. I will definitely try to make this dish at home when I have time since it seems like a long process to make it from scratch.
日本は美味しいと連発気味の私ですが、ちゃんと調節は心がけていたり。今回のカレー屋さんは地下鉄で2つ目の駅なんだけど、しっかり徒歩で行った。コレでカロリー的に食べなかったことに…とは都合良くいかないのが悲しい現実。だけど、驚いたことに、ダイエット根性丸出しで長〜い駅の階段登っているのって、私ぐらい。なのに日本の皆さん細すぎ… ズルイ! 汗
Well from all eating I have been doing, I don't want to put some pounds. So I have been walking as much as possible. On the way to the restaurant, I passed two subway stations with really long stairs. To my surprise, I was only person who was going up the stairs, but everyone was using the escalator. I guess I'm the only person who is worried about diet?! Then again, how those ladies manage to stay so skinny without exercises? I know that they also eat at McDonald's!?
歩いた証拠 Evidences of my walking ↓↓↓
問題のスープカレーはというと、おいしかったあ♥ インドのカレーのように、スパイスがしっかり効いた複雑な味で、とてもコクがありました。でもなぜか大根下ろしの味がしたのは、気のせいかなあ?今度、家でも是非挑戦したいけど、いっぱい野菜・果物、スパイスが必要そうなので、時間のある日じゃないと無理かも…
I finally had a chance to had "soup curry" at last. I guess technically it's "curry flavored soup", a dish that was pretty popular in Japan several years ago. I have been curious about this dish. Luckily I found a restaurant within the walking distance (30 min. walk) who serves "soup curry", IRiE IRiE. It was pretty spicy but the soup had such a complex flavor from different kinds of spices and veggies. I will definitely try to make this dish at home when I have time since it seems like a long process to make it from scratch.
日本は美味しいと連発気味の私ですが、ちゃんと調節は心がけていたり。今回のカレー屋さんは地下鉄で2つ目の駅なんだけど、しっかり徒歩で行った。コレでカロリー的に食べなかったことに…とは都合良くいかないのが悲しい現実。だけど、驚いたことに、ダイエット根性丸出しで長〜い駅の階段登っているのって、私ぐらい。なのに日本の皆さん細すぎ… ズルイ! 汗
Well from all eating I have been doing, I don't want to put some pounds. So I have been walking as much as possible. On the way to the restaurant, I passed two subway stations with really long stairs. To my surprise, I was only person who was going up the stairs, but everyone was using the escalator. I guess I'm the only person who is worried about diet?! Then again, how those ladies manage to stay so skinny without exercises? I know that they also eat at McDonald's!?
歩いた証拠 Evidences of my walking ↓↓↓
Sunday, January 24, 2010
無言ではあるが、イキナリ差別を受けた気分… 年齢制限があるのは知っていたけれど、これはひどいよ〜。間違いであってほしいが、意図的なものだとしたらかなり許せないかも。年齢・性別・結婚は仕事とは関係くない?
I felt sick to my stomach after realizing what is still considered as the norm in Japan. Today, upon finding an opening at an interesting design firm, I downloaded the form to fill out to apply for the job. Some part of the PDF form was already pre-filled... "male" for the gender, and "single" for the martial status were already checked (regularly it is required to attach a passport sized photo, and indicate your gender and marital status on a resume in Japan)!!
Unbelievable. I knew about the age limitation (30 to 35 yo for a graphic designer) in Japan but this was a little unexpected. This will be definitively ingredients for a lawsuit in the US. Sadly enough, this is the sad reality in Japan, and people just accept as the way how things are. :: sigh ::
Needless to say, 14 years living in the US made me react differently from my fellow Japanese. I have been experiencing similar cultural shocks since I've been here. :(
Thursday, January 21, 2010
two strawberries. two cultures.
なんかズルい。It's just not fair...
つくづく思うのが、日本文化って重箱の隅をつつくというか、些細なことでも「完璧」を目指し、改善を重ねるのを苦としないところがあるなぁ。平和ボケの結果でもあり得なさそうな… 逆にアメリカは、他にする大きな問題があり過ぎて、些細なことまでには気が回らないんだろうなあ… と憶測。
I wonder why these strawberries in Japan are so sweet, and why strawberries sold on other side of the world are never this sweet?
Is this due to the cultural differences? One culture is more focused on perfecting little things, but other culture is more focused on the basics and bigger issues. I think many things can be contributed to how people think differently due to the cultures.
Now I wonder how sweet strawberries in other countries are...
Who produces the world's sweetest strawberries?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Saturday, January 09, 2010
red. orange. carrots!!
Cute little red ear rings are my new favorite!
常に花粉症に悩まされている私が、藁にもすがる思いで飲み始めたのが「にんじん茶」。雑誌で読んだんだけど、花粉症の症状が和らぐそうな… 薄切りにした人参を天日干しして、煎ったもでお茶をいれるんだけど、これで紅茶色のお茶が!
I've been making carrot tea after I read somewhere that it will help allergy to ease the symptoms... I sliced up carrots and let them dry for a few days under the sun; then toasted them. Pour hot water on them to drink... It does taste sweet like carrots!!
Crossing my fingers that this helps!!
Cute little red ear rings are my new favorite!
常に花粉症に悩まされている私が、藁にもすがる思いで飲み始めたのが「にんじん茶」。雑誌で読んだんだけど、花粉症の症状が和らぐそうな… 薄切りにした人参を天日干しして、煎ったもでお茶をいれるんだけど、これで紅茶色のお茶が!
I've been making carrot tea after I read somewhere that it will help allergy to ease the symptoms... I sliced up carrots and let them dry for a few days under the sun; then toasted them. Pour hot water on them to drink... It does taste sweet like carrots!!
Crossing my fingers that this helps!!
Sunday, January 03, 2010
the year of tiger 寅のイラスト
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