今日は友達が通っているお料理教室で、体験レッスンを受けさせてもらってきました〜 レシピは比較的簡単だったけど、美味しく作るコツみたいのを教わって、美味しくできました。今日のメニューはサラダとココナッツカレー。カフェ風でお皿も自分でえらべて、おもしろかった。是非、家でも作ってみたいなあ。ここのスタジオすっごくオシャレで可愛い☆ ここをデザインした人、見事にターゲット層を理解しているなぁ〜♥
Today my friend took me to the cooking class she is taking. The menu was coconut curry and salad. It was fairly easy recipe but the instructor taught us a few cooking tips that will help to improve my skill. It was a very delicious experience for sure. I'd love to take more lessens if I live in Japan. They also offered bread making and baking lessons! Yummm... The interior of the studio was really cute and colorful. Whoever designed it did a great job hitting the target audience...
おまけの新バージョンの「にこにこぷん」キャラマグ。なんか妙だわ〜 「じゃじゃまる」と「ぴっころ」の顔が似ているけど、微妙に違う…
Coffee cups with the newer version of the characters based on the old kid's TV show which I grew up watching... Looks a little odd... :(
It was quite nice to get to spend time with my old friend whom I've know for 27 years...
coconut?! are you kidding me??? I'd eat just about anything if you put coconut in it!!
ReplyDeleteABC studioって流行っているみたい。日本でこの手のクラスに通える主婦になら、なってみても良いねえ〜♥ 苦笑
ReplyDeletedo you want me to share you the recipe? It's pretty easy :)