問題のスープカレーはというと、おいしかったあ♥ インドのカレーのように、スパイスがしっかり効いた複雑な味で、とてもコクがありました。でもなぜか大根下ろしの味がしたのは、気のせいかなあ?今度、家でも是非挑戦したいけど、いっぱい野菜・果物、スパイスが必要そうなので、時間のある日じゃないと無理かも…
I finally had a chance to had "soup curry" at last. I guess technically it's "curry flavored soup", a dish that was pretty popular in Japan several years ago. I have been curious about this dish. Luckily I found a restaurant within the walking distance (30 min. walk) who serves "soup curry", IRiE IRiE. It was pretty spicy but the soup had such a complex flavor from different kinds of spices and veggies. I will definitely try to make this dish at home when I have time since it seems like a long process to make it from scratch.
Well from all eating I have been doing, I don't want to put some pounds. So I have been walking as much as possible. On the way to the restaurant, I passed two subway stations with really long stairs. To my surprise, I was only person who was going up the stairs, but everyone was using the escalator. I guess I'm the only person who is worried about diet?! Then again, how those ladies manage to stay so skinny without exercises? I know that they also eat at McDonald's!?
歩いた証拠 Evidences of my walking ↓↓↓

ReplyDeleteいや実は、加工してます… コンデジしか今ないんで 苦笑
ReplyDelete帰ったことの話〜☆ スープカレーの素は地元の韓国系スーパーにはなさそう 泣