Not sure if I've been too busy or just lazy, but it seems like everything around me sped up. By the time I realize it, an awful amount of time has already past since I got back in the States.
Being caught in the torrent, I forgot to send a card to my good friend on her birthday. Feeling terrible, I hurried up and designed her birthday card and mailed it out with her gift other day. Hope she likes them :)
Also, after failing twice, I finally baked a good looking loaf of bread. Baking bread was something I always wanted to try but haven't got around to it yet. Well, mainly it was because it takes a long time to bake, and as matter of fact, it took me total of 4 hours from start to finish... It probably was smarter to go to a store to buy one; then again, you cannot buy a sense of accomplishment at a store... :)
get an automatic breadmaker!!! They rule!!!
ReplyDeleteFreePeopleさん >
ReplyDelete以前在宅だったんですけど、することないくてもマジメにパソコンと電話の前で。勤務時間帯だからと待機してたりしてました… 苦笑 でも、ホント私たちの職業、変に神経使いますよね、誤字とか。
thestdnt >
ReplyDeleteWhich brand of the bread machine do you have? B has been wanting one pretty badly even though I'm the one who bake bread :)