Saturday, January 29, 2011

クジラの誕生日カード whale B-day card


友達や家族に送る誕生日カードも自分でデザインし始めてから今年で2回目。デザインがやっと終わったよ〜 (一月生まれの人ゴメンなさい… 間に合わなかったよぅ)取りあえず、4色で印刷。これはこれで良いんだけど、今年は無謀にもクリスマスカード同様、ゴッコで印刷してみようかなと思案中。印刷に必要なものをオーダーしなくてわ… イメージとしてはこんな感じに仕上げるつもりです。

It was winter wonder land in DC metro area until late Friday PM. Hopefully the weather isn't terrible over the weekend since I have a plan to go to downtown...

This is my 2nd year since I started to design a birthday card for family and friends. I finally finished the illustration for it and printed them out as 4-color. Top of this, I'm planning to print them using Gocco just like the bunny holiday cards on color paper. Hmmm... I need to order necessary supplies before I get to do it! Below is what I'm wanting to achieve with screen printing the illustration.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

"pick me up"

花が家にあるとちょっと嬉しくなる。ここのとろこ多少落ち込み気味だったので、買い出しに出かけたついでにTrader Joe'sで可愛らしいクロッカスを購入。机の上に飾ったよ。

春になったら外で写真を撮りたい… ワシントンDCは夕べ雪が降ったので外は一面真っ白です。

Having flowers in the house make me happier. My mood has been a little down for the past few days, so I picked up this little cute purple crocus from Trader Joe's when I was there for grocery shopping other day.

Once it gets spring, I am looking forward to take photos outside, but for now the outside is all while covered by snow that accumulated over night.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Food log :: Ben's Chili Bowl

遂にあのオバマ大統領も行くBen's Chili Bowlに行って来たよ!(ミーハー?)日曜日の早めのお昼だったので比較的空いてました。この外壁のカラフルさが好きー☆ お店の前のカラフルな熊さんは一体なんだったんだろう… 以前流行っていた街起こし(?)用の像かなぁ?

Finally we had a chance to check out Ben's Chili Bowl where the president Obama even likes to go! Since we made it there for early lunch, the place wasn't too busy just yet (it got pretty busy by the time we were done.). I really the use of vivid color outside of the store, very diner like... But what's up with the bear at front?

Monday, January 24, 2011

真っ暗な月曜の朝 dark Monday morning

今日は朝起きたら停電… なんという一週間の始まり。携帯電話の明かりを頼りに台所に向かい彼のお弁当(残り物)用意するものの、電気がないのでコーヒーがつくれない。よりによって普段より早い出勤日なのにー!! o(;△;)o


…と思ったもの束の間、電気が戻った〜☆ よかった、良かった…



Monday morning is probably the worst time to loose power, and that's exactly what happened to us this morning. What a way start a day, or even the week!!

Being guided with the lights off the cell phone, I made it to the kitchen safely to pack Beejay's lunch (leftover in a tupperware). But soon I realized that I couldn't make coffee since I won't be able to grind beans! Then I realized something even worse... the garage door won't open!! Ugh!!!

While I was getting upset since this happened on the morning we had to get up extra early, the power came back. At the end, everything was okay and he left for work on time. Although I bet people who use plug-in alarms weren't able to get up on time this morning... ouch.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

warm happiness 美味しい幸せ


During the cold winter, I love using the oven to bake! By baking the room gets warmer and the moment you have a bit of warm and comfy food makes you so happy even when outside is gray and gloomy...♥

ほんのりまだ青い固めのバナナ以外はそのまま食べるのが苦手な私。熟しちゃうと柔ら過ぎて甘過ぎて買ったバナナが茶色くなってきちゃったので、久しぶりに 日本のレシピ本(最近はクックパッドばかり…)に載っていたバナナマフィンを作ったよ。日本のレシピはアメリカのと違ってやっぱり油と砂糖控えめだね〜 これならいっぱい食べても大丈夫?! おいしかったー♪ 朝ご飯代わりに食べてたらあっという間にすべて平らげてたわ…(苦笑)

Well, I only eat banana that is still slightly green and hard. I cannot eat ripped ones with brown spots. To me, it's too soft and fragrant. When bananas get too ripped for me to eat, I usually bake or cook with it, like pancakes and muffins. This time I used a recipe from a Japanese cooking book I have and they were a little less sweeter than ones I made with other recipes, but still delicious. After eating them as breakfast, they disappeared into my tummy really quickly... ;)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Food log :: Pupatella (neapolitan pizza)

アーリントンにあるナポリ風のピザが無茶苦茶美味しいお店だよ〜 ピザ生地が軽いのにもちもちで最高!

I really enjoyed the pizza from this Neapolitan pizza in Arlington! The crust was light but chewy and delicious.

ジェラトーもあってかなりオススメ★ 店内もモダン なデザインでウキウキ気分に慣れるお店でした。一緒に行った友達はその後、何度か食べに行ったらしい… ただし駐車場が小さいのが難点。行った日が火曜日 の夜だったのにも関わらず結構忙しそうだった。

They serves gelato too! The interior is modern and cute which made me happy just being in there! I highly recommend this place. As matter of fact, the friend who went with me already has gone back a few times since then...

Only problem is that their parking lot is tiny and we had hard time parking even though it was Tuesday night since they were pretty busy.

{さっぱり味で美味しかったオレンジソーダ。デザインも可愛い♥ I really liked this drink! Loved the package too...}

{手前がイチゴ、奥がマンゴー味のジェラトー。Pink is strawberries and orange one was mango flavored gelato.}

5104 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA 22205
(571) 312-7230

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Daily Findings :: Pantone Chip Cookies!

I was browsing through Design*Sponge today, and look what I have found! Pantone chip cookies made by Kim Neill,a freelance designer and illustrator. What a neat idea! Love it♥ Now I want this Pantone chip tin too!!

{via :: design*sponge}

Food log :: Caboose Cafe @Del Ray

今から出産後に食べたいものリストのうちの一つ、クリームチーズとスモークサーモンのベーグルサンド(スモークサーモンが×)。ビーエジェイはCaboose Cafeで美味しそうにこの間食べてた…(涙)…美味しそう〜 

お寿司も食べたいなぁ… でもこの辺りだとドコにいけば美味しいのだろう?誰か知らない?

One of things I am looking forward to eat after Rabbit (nickname for the kid for now) is lox sandwich. Right now smokes salmon is one of food I am not supposed to eat... :( Beejay looked so happy eating it at Caboose Cafe. Booooo... ↑ Geesh, that looked yummy!!

Other thing I am craving is sushi, but not sure where to go in this area just yet. Any recommendations, anyone!?

以前は全く飲まなかったカフェイン・フリーのコーヒー。家では飲まないけど、出かけ先では特別♥ これがあるから今のところコーヒー抜きでも生きてます(苦笑)

このカフェは夜にはエチオピアの料理も食べられるみたい。ランチのメニューも美味しそう〜 Oldtownの北部に可愛い雰囲気のDel Rayエリアにあるよ。

I never really liked drinking decaf coffee, but it's different now. I don't drink it at home but occasionally I get it when we are out somewhere. I think because of decaf, I have been surviving without actual coffee so far (minus occasional sips here and there ;).

This cafe also serves Ethiopian fair at dinner and the lunch menu seemed pretty good as well. It's located in cute Del Ray area which is north of Oldtown.

Caboose Cafe
2419 Mt. Vernon Ave
Alexandria, VA 22301(703) 566-1283

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

残り物どうしよう leftover



I always end up with tons of leftover when I make curry since it's just two of us... After eating the leftover for a few times, we get really bored of eating the same thing (who doesn't!?) So after thinking for a while, I decided to mix the curry leftover into potato croquettes.

家にあったジャガイモを潰して残りのカレーとタマネギを炒めたものを混ぜて揚げただけなんだけど、これ正解〜♪ おいしい解決策が見つかってよかった〜


I just mashed potatoes and mixed with the leftover curry and sautéed chopped onion, and voilà! It turned out great!

...and yes, we finally finished the curry! Now what to do with another leftover from other night??

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

sweet torture 甘い拷問 @8AM

一年前には日本を満喫していたのが嘘のようだぁ。ワシントンDCは今日も相変わらず寒いです。横浜の暖かい冬が恋しい… 去年の今頃は一日起きに5−7キロ走っていたのに、今じゃ一日外出して歩き回ると翌日足が重い。あまりにも違い過ぎ〜!ますます肥えてきました(笑)

It's hard to believe that it was already one year ago when I was enjoying being in Japan. Washington DC is ice, rainy and cold today. I miss warmer winter in Yokohama!! Also I was running 3-4.5 miles every other day around this time of the year in 2010, but now I get really tired if I'm out and about for a day. What a difference, and I'm still gaining ;)

昨日は妊娠中毒症のための血液検査。朝の8時からメチャ甘いオレンジの炭酸入りスポーツドリンクみたいのをコップ一杯5分内に飲まされた… うえっ!ゆで卵一個しか食べてないお腹にはかなりキツく、待つ事1時間、血を抜かれから帰宅。


妊娠中毒症はなっていないけど、貧血気味と言われてしまう。サプリを取らなくてはいけなくなっちゃったよ。う〜ん…もともと貧血気味だから危ないかなとは思ってたんだけどね。食事ももうちょっと気をつけなければ(汗)なに食べればいいんだろう〜 貝類、レバー、ほうれん草くらいしか思いつかない…

Yesterday I had my glucose test and had to drank 8 oz of this über sweet carbonated orange Gatorade like drink in 5 min. That was pretty tough at 8 in the morning! Surely it made me nauseous since I only had a boiled egg prior to that, but I had to sit tight and wait for one hour for the blood test at OB's office. UGH!

What a nice way to start a week!!!!

Good thing is that the test result come back okay, but I was told that my iron is low and need to start taking iron supplement. It was some what expected based on my past experience. Beside taking supplement, I better watch out my diet more carefully...

Hmmmm what should I eat!?! Only I can think of are spinach, shellfish an liver... Looks like I need to hit a grocery store soon!