It's hard to believe that it was already one year ago when I was enjoying being in Japan. Washington DC is ice, rainy and cold today. I miss warmer winter in Yokohama!! Also I was running 3-4.5 miles every other day around this time of the year in 2010, but now I get really tired if I'm out and about for a day. What a difference, and I'm still gaining ;)

妊娠中毒症はなっていないけど、貧血気味と言われてしまう。サプリを取らなくてはいけなくなっちゃったよ。う〜ん…もともと貧血気味だから危ないかなとは思ってたんだけどね。食事ももうちょっと気をつけなければ(汗)なに食べればいいんだろう〜 貝類、レバー、ほうれん草くらいしか思いつかない…
Yesterday I had my glucose test and had to drank 8 oz of this über sweet carbonated orange Gatorade like drink in 5 min. That was pretty tough at 8 in the morning! Surely it made me nauseous since I only had a boiled egg prior to that, but I had to sit tight and wait for one hour for the blood test at OB's office. UGH!
What a nice way to start a week!!!!
Good thing is that the test result come back okay, but I was told that my iron is low and need to start taking iron supplement. It was some what expected based on my past experience. Beside taking supplement, I better watch out my diet more carefully...
Hmmmm what should I eat!?! Only I can think of are spinach, shellfish an liver... Looks like I need to hit a grocery store soon!
ReplyDeleteホント引っかかんなくってよかったよ〜 特にいま甘いものに目がない分食べられなくなったら気が狂うかも…(笑)ひじきは思いつかなかったなぁ。ありがと。買い置きがあるから早速食べるよ!