I always pictured that when babies suck their fingers it's their thumbs and while clinching their hands... well, I learned they don't know how to clinch their hand at the beginning! ha!
So Akari's hand usually cover her face... hehehe
When she is feeling a little greedy (?), she sucks her whole hand...
Then when she really feels the strong urge, then she tries to put both hands into her tiny month, but...
それはチョット無理でしょ〜(´ε`;) 結局口に何も入っていないから、怒って泣き出しちゃうおチビさん。思わず吹き出しちゃう!`;:゙;`;・(゚ε゚ )ブーッ!!
that's a little too much.... After all none of fingers is in her mouth. So she gets upset! Oh she is so silly!! :D
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