Tuesday, August 30, 2011

欲張ると… getting greedy...

赤ちゃんの指シャブリって、手をグーして親指をチュッパチュッパしているのを(勝手に)想像してたんだけど… 始めはグーが出来ないんだね!


I always pictured that when babies suck their fingers it's their thumbs and while clinching their hands... well, I learned they don't know how to clinch their hand at the beginning! ha!

So Akari's hand usually cover her face... hehehe

When she is feeling a little greedy (?), she sucks her whole hand...

Then when she really feels the strong urge, then she tries to put both hands into her tiny month, but...

それはチョット無理でしょ〜(´ε`;) 結局口に何も入っていないから、怒って泣き出しちゃうおチビさん。思わず吹き出しちゃう!`;:゙;`;・(゚ε゚ )ブーッ!!

that's a little too much.... After all none of fingers is in her mouth. So she gets upset! Oh she is so silly!! :D

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

今となっては… looking back

出産した病院で行われるママグループに時々参加しているんだけど、生後2週間の赤ちゃんと来ているママが先日来てたんだよね Σ(゚◇゚;) …日本じゃ生後2週間で外出なんて問題外だけど、居るんですよね… アメリカは(汗)… いろんな意味でビックリ!



I have been going to the new mom group held at the hospital I delivered lately. There was a new mom with a 2 week old baby. She was worried how often her girl throws up. It was interesting that I was giving her advise not to worry so much because I was in her shoes until one month ago!

One point, I thought that motherhood = laundry lady! On the worst day, she threw up on us three times!

あの時はかなり心配して、一時はレポを書くほど!(いや、パターンを見極めようと思ってー (´ε`;))【A】無事にゲップだけで済んだときはかなりホッとしたけど、吐く量もいろいろあって、【B】チョコッとのときもあれば、【D】噴水の如く吐いた時はあまりの凄さに唖然( ゚д゚ )としてたよ!【C】鼻からも出ちゃう時は、さすがにビェーと涙目だったなぁ…

At that time, I was so concerned that I started to keep the record hoping I can figure out the patten. When she just burped [A] , I was so relieved, but often times she spit up [B]. But there were times she threw up like as if she was a fountain [D], and it was quite shocking! Of course, she got teary when it came out from her nose [C]... poor thing...

あんなに吐いていたチビさんも3ヶ月過ぎた頃から滅多に吐かなくなり、今じゃ飲んであまり時間が経っていないのに、うつ伏せになっても平気。つくづく赤ちゃんの成長って早いなぁと思う。その分毎日が楽しいんだけど☆ 吐いてた頃も今となっては良い思い出です。(´∀`)

Even though she made me so worried, after she turned 3 months, gradually she stopped throwing up. Now she can be on her tummy after feeding without spitting up! It's just amazing how fast the baby develops. I guess that's why it's nice to get to be with her everyday to see her growth... (thanks hubby!)

Even those bitter experience is now a part of important memory with her ;)

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Monday, August 08, 2011

アメリカでお食い初め ceremony @100th day

7月30日が100日目だったので、お食い初めをしたかったのだけど予定が合わなく無理だったので、時間的に余裕のあった8月5日にしました♪。でもここはアメリカ。鯛なんて売ってない! 鯛の一種のレッド・スナッパーという魚で代用。


In Japanese culture, there is a traditional ceremony called Okuizome (first eating). When a baby tunrs 100 day old (or 120 do in some regions), you prepare certain type of dishes and pretend to feed a baby with a hope that the baby will never go hungry throughout his/her life.

Akari's 100th day birthday was on July 30th, but since we were out of town, we ended up having this ceremony this past Friday.

自分でも頑張った〜と喜んでいたのに、問題の当人はさぁ写真を撮ろう!と思った矢先グズグズ… 必死に「アカリちゃんのために作ったんだよ〜」「嬉しくないの〜?」とあやして(苦笑)どうにか無事に記念撮影を終わらす事に…



I spend pretty good amount time preparing dishes. However despite my effort, Akari was not in good mood when it was time to take pictures (of course!)... Also hubby was puzzled by the food since Akari cannot eat them yet.

I guess you can say the feast was for my own self-satisfaction and I was only one who was happy how food turned out :-/ :: sigh ::

なぜかオッパイ拒否はどきどき家でも起きる様に!今週末もやられた〜 けど他のママ友に励まされ、プラス思考で乗り切ってこうと決心。ボトルだろうが粉ミルクだろうがこの子が元気に育つのが一番重要なんだしね!私が母親として小さい事でグジグジしない様、精神的に成長しなくてはいけない事に、気がつかされたよ… (当たり前の事だけどね)

Akari went on the nursing strike this past weekend again! Yikes!! But comments from friends made me decide that I shouldn't let the small problem bother me to much. After all whether she feeds with bottles or formula, as long as she is healthy and growing, it's not a big deal. As a mother, I need to prioritize her well-being and put my sill emotion second. :)

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にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ にほんブログ村 子育てブログへ

Thursday, August 04, 2011

恥ずかしがり屋さん Miss Shy

週末のオッパイ拒否、家に帰ってきてから元に戻ったと思ったのも束の間… 火曜日と木曜日の昼間に1回ずつ出た〜ぁ(汗)もう分けからないよ〜 もしかし たら家以外は嫌なのかも。それをちらっと旦那に言ったら「ママ〜!外でのオッパイ恥ずかしいから嫌〜」って言ってるんだよ、と言われる(苦笑)オイオ イ・・・

でも私の気持ちよりも、チビさんの方が大切なんだから、「まぁ〜ボトルで飲むんだからいいか」の心持ちに切り替えないと… 泣き顔より笑顔の方が何倍もいいしね。こんな風に大喜びされた日には、全てがどうでも良くなるよ〜☆

I thought Akari's nursing strike was over on Monday. Well, I guessed wrong. She did it again. She might not like being fed in different environment. I told that to my hubby, and he told me that she is saying "Mommy, I am embarrassed being breastfed outside!!"... yeah, right...

Well, I know her well-being is more important than how I want to feed her. So I should be happy that she will take from bottles, at least... I'd rather see her happy face than crying face. The moment she shows her big smile, she can make me forget the hardship she just put me through!

カメラシャイのおチビさん。特大の笑顔がやっと撮れた〜♥ 癒される…
This smile made to grin ear to ear! Finally we were able to capture this moment! (Akari doesn't like cameras.)

自分の足に気づいたご様子です… It looks like she realized her own feet. :)
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にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ にほんブログ村 子育てブログへ

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

奇怪な行動 Odd behavior

先週末はアカリがオッパイ嫌いの赤ちゃんに急変!! 精神的につかれた週末でした…
This past weekend was quite exhausting since Akari abruptly went on nursing strike…

恐怖症と言っても過言ではない程で、見るのも嫌と言わんばかりにおっぱいに顔が近づくだけで顔を真っ赤にして大泣きし、体を仰け反らして嫌がる。なにしてもだめなので、最終的にボトルであげてみるとゴクゴク飲みだすので、マズいというわけではないらしい。なにそれ?!乳頭混乱でもなさそうだけど、 寝ぼけている夜中以外はオッパイ完全拒否。

As if she is scared and/or hate breastfeeding, she screamed and cried furiously if I tried to feed her. She was arching her back and tried to get away from me the moment I held her. It was really bizarre!! No matter what I tired, she didn't want anything to do with breasts, but she took bottles. Therefore it wasn't the taste of milk she was reacting to… It couldn't have been nipple confusion since we haven't using bottles or pacifiers frequently.

解決案はみつからず、この状態が続いたらこの先どうしようと悩みまくりの私。かなり凹んでた… が、月曜日は週末の出来事がまるで嘘のように、今まで通りに飲むアカリ。

I frantically looked up for the possible reasons for her nursing strike, but nothing seemed to explain her odd behavior, and I had to feed her from the bottle for the entire weekend. It was really upsetting and frustrating since Akari behaving this way at 3 months didn't make much of sense. I was pretty sad and felt like she was rejecting me.


かなり理解不可能。ホッとして涙でそうだっだ〜 おおげさかもしれないけれど私自身が拒絶された気分だったんだもん…(涙)ネットで見つけた唯一あり得そうな理由は、週末に実家に帰ったので車での長距離移動と環境の変化。いったい誰に似たのか、アカリはかなりの気分屋で繊細なタイプなの…?

However, despite my concerns and worries if the nursing strike will continue, everything went back to normal on Monday morning as if nothing happened over the weekend. It was hard to believe! Only possible reason is the fact we were at my parents' house and drive there was a little long. She might have reacted to her schedule and environmental changes with the strike?

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Monday, August 01, 2011

またね☆ see you soon.

明佳梨ちゃんの初めてのお友達のKちゃんとママのCちゃんが日本に帰っちゃったよ… 折角知り合えたのにお互い妊娠、出産とドタバタしてたのであまり一緒に遊べなかったのが残念。約束通りに明佳梨ちゃんとKちゃんが3歳になったら日本で一緒に七五三できるといいなぁ。

Akari's very first friend Kent went back to Japan today... I met his mom right after I moved to DC, but both of us were dealing with pregnancy and arrival of the babies, we didn't get to hang out enough. Hoping Akari and Kent will celebrate "Shichi-Go-San" in Japan when they are three years old as we promised.

生後2ヶ月弱で飛行機に乗って太平洋を横断したKちゃん。機内ではちゃんとパパママのためにちゃんと寝ていたかな?明佳梨ちゃんも生後5ヶ月になる9月に初めての日本に行くよ〜♪ Kちゃんと再開出来るといいね☆

I wonder how 2 month-old Kent did in the plane to Japan. Hope he was being good and slept through for the most part... I wonder how Akari will behave when we go back to Japan in September. She will be 5 month old then... Hopefully we get to meet up with Kent then.