Saturday, January 28, 2012

ランチ / Lunch at Shake Shack

チビの誕生後、なかなか行く機会のなかったDC。今日は珍しく友達とDC内でランチ〜♪ ちょっと前から気になっていたんだよね、このお店。 Shake Shack というハンバーガーとシェイクのお店で、旦那も近くのオフィスで仕事があって気になっていた様子。


お昼後、天気も良かったのでDC内を歩き回りたかったのに、速攻帰宅して3人でお昼寝。前の晩、3人とも朝の4時頃まで起きてたんだよね… 旦那は不幸にも仕事のトラブルで、私は寝てくれないチビのお付き合い… 詳しい事は、後で書くけれど月曜から始めたスリープトレーニング(夜の授乳中止し、夜起きない訓練)結構大変!

早く寝る様になって〜 !!!!

Since Akari was born, I haven't had much chance to go to DC. Well, today was a little different! We had lunch with a friend at Shake Shack which I have been hearing about. I liked the food, especially the strawberry shake!

It was a warm and sunny day for January. I really wished I could walked around DC after lunch... You know things never go the way you want, do they? After lunch, we pretty much head back home to take a nap. Hubby and I was up until 4 am night before. What we were doing?! Unfortunate hubby was busy working (yes, on Friday night... poor guy.), and I was busy trying to put Akari to sleep as we have started sleep training this past Monday... I will talking about how it's going later, but so far, not so good... 

Awwww. I MISS SLEEP!!!!

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Monday, January 16, 2012

無言の競争 quiet competitions


従兄弟のKくんは、15ヶ月なのに既に2−3歳児の大きさ。なのにアカリは自分より一回り以上大きい、Kくんを相手に張り合っていたし、オモチャの取り合いまで!子供の逞しさにビックリさせられたよ〜 何かにつけて、Kくんの真似をしたがり、ライバル意識全開だった… 二人ともまだ喋らないから、無言でのやり取りは見てて面白いものがあったよ。ゴジラとガメラの戦いを無声映画で見た気分… とにかくすごいかった!

Hasn't January just started not long time ago? This month is almost over?! Life hasn't slowed down since the holidays. Akari just turned 9 months old other day! Her next check up will be in three month, when she turns one yo!!! Unbelievable... Her height and weight are now in 60 percentile (used to be in 90s). It must be all those crawling she started to do, and it's probably her cousin's influence since he was 7 month older.

It was quite interesting and funny to see Akari trying to compete with her cousin who is much larger than she is. She also wanted to do whatever he was doing. Since both of them don't talk yet, they were fighting over toys without a word, but their body language explained what they might be saying... if they could have talked. It was if I was watching a silent movie of Godzilla vs. Gamera... (for some reasons, that's the movie it popped in my head when I saw them.)

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Sunday, January 08, 2012

明けましておめでとうございます♪ Happy New Year!

明けましておめでとうございます(。-_-。) 今年もよろしくね♪

さて、新年早々熱を出してしまい、3日も熱にうなされる出だしとなりました… 母乳なので、タイラノール(バッファリンみたいな痛み止め)しか飲めず、まさかの寝正月ミ(-ェ-)。o○Zzz…

もともとチビが12月中旬に初風邪を引いて以来、家族揃って風邪気味のまま、クリスマスと年末年始に突入。車での行ったり来たりの移動がいけなかったよう…(´Д` ) 話を聞くと、周りのみんなも風邪だし~ 可哀想にチビの咳はなぜかまだ治まらない… 小児科に連れていくと、咳は他の症状もないし、このまま様子をみるが、軽い中耳炎になっているとのこと(⊙_⊙)!抗生物質が処方されたのでした…

さすがアメリカではとでも言いたくなるようなド★ピンク。これ多分バブルガム味… ウゲッΣ(゚д゚lll)


I got sick and had fever for three straight days the first week of Jan. I didn't realize how hard things would be without taking any strong cold med and having a 8 month-old around when you are sick. Luckily my mom came over to help...

Akari is still coughing since the mid Dec. At the Doctor's office, she got antibiotic for the ear infection, but nothing for the cough :-/

I hope the rest of the year is better than how it started.


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