Saturday, January 28, 2012

ランチ / Lunch at Shake Shack

チビの誕生後、なかなか行く機会のなかったDC。今日は珍しく友達とDC内でランチ〜♪ ちょっと前から気になっていたんだよね、このお店。 Shake Shack というハンバーガーとシェイクのお店で、旦那も近くのオフィスで仕事があって気になっていた様子。


お昼後、天気も良かったのでDC内を歩き回りたかったのに、速攻帰宅して3人でお昼寝。前の晩、3人とも朝の4時頃まで起きてたんだよね… 旦那は不幸にも仕事のトラブルで、私は寝てくれないチビのお付き合い… 詳しい事は、後で書くけれど月曜から始めたスリープトレーニング(夜の授乳中止し、夜起きない訓練)結構大変!

早く寝る様になって〜 !!!!

Since Akari was born, I haven't had much chance to go to DC. Well, today was a little different! We had lunch with a friend at Shake Shack which I have been hearing about. I liked the food, especially the strawberry shake!

It was a warm and sunny day for January. I really wished I could walked around DC after lunch... You know things never go the way you want, do they? After lunch, we pretty much head back home to take a nap. Hubby and I was up until 4 am night before. What we were doing?! Unfortunate hubby was busy working (yes, on Friday night... poor guy.), and I was busy trying to put Akari to sleep as we have started sleep training this past Monday... I will talking about how it's going later, but so far, not so good... 

Awwww. I MISS SLEEP!!!!

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