Monday, July 30, 2012

充実した週末 Busy Weekend

旦那さんに子守りを頼み友 達とランチしたり、近所のファーマーズマーケットに行ったりと週末はかなり充実した内容でした。チビと一緒だと最近はゆっくり食べられないので、久し振り に息抜きで楽しかった。ファーマーズマーケットのお目当ては甘いトマト!スーパーと違って熟しているからとても美味しい〜 サラダで頂きました★

This past weekend was pretty good one for me. I went out lunch with friends while my hubby watched Akari, and also went to the farmer's market.  It's been a while to get to eat out in peace. As much as I love Akari's company, it's been especially tough to go out to eat with her since she doesn't want to sit still for a long time...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

日本からの小包 package from Japan

 昨日、日本から小包が届き、私は速攻上機嫌♪ いくつになっても贈り物は嬉しいね

 Yesterday, a small package arrived from Japan. It's always nice to receive a gift package.

Monday, July 23, 2012

アップアップな日々 busy days

相変わらず、仕事、育児、家事、妊娠と自分でも欲張りすぎたなと思いながらアップアップしながらこの記録的な猛暑に耐えてます。(ってエアコンガンガンつけて、アイスを頻繁に食べていたり…)今年は40度を超える日が多くて、妊婦には辛い〜 日本程湿気がないのが唯一の救いだけど、暑がりの我々親子は果たして日本の夏大丈夫なのかな、まだまだ先の心配をしてみたり… 

As always, juggling work, parenthood, house-chores, and pregnancy hasn't been easy for me, and i am taking one day at a time while enduring this crazy heatwave... with A/C and ice cream. This hot summer is a little too much for this prego, although I cannot imagine how things are in very-humid Japan. As much as I want to go back, I am not looking forward staying there one summer in the near future! Akari gets sweaty too easily too... poor thing.