昨日、日本から小包が届き、私は速攻上機嫌♪ いくつになっても贈り物は嬉しいね
Yesterday, a small package arrived from Japan. It's always nice to receive a gift package.
最近アカリが大好きな腹ぺこ青虫の絵本。日本語版を送ってもらった。なぜって、ウチにはお下がりの英語版しかなく、毎回読んでもらいたくて絵本を持って来るたびに、適当に日本語に訳しながら読んでたのね… 面白い事に、チビのお気に入りのページは食べ物がズラリと並んでいるページ。毎回、他のページを飛ばしてそのページを自ら開くのには苦笑。食べる事が好きなのは、ちゃんと遺伝しているみたい。
My mother likes to sew, so she made this cute outfit for Akari. It's hand-sewn! I cannot imagine how long it might took for her to make this... Even the last summer, she made a breathable sleeper for Akari who gets overheated very easily from a cotton muslin blanket. It was so great!! ...unfortunately, this sewing skill (or passion?) is not something I inherited despite the fact my grandmother was a seamstress. What a bummer!
Also what included was the Hungry Caterpillar in Japanese. This book has been Akari's favorite, but we only had it in English and I have been reading it to her by awkwardly translating to Japanese. So this will help me a lot! yay. Her favorite part of this book is when the caterpillar eats all sorts of food. She tends to open up that page first and ask me to read. Hmmmm, someone definitely shares the joy of eating with me??
Deleteコメントありがとうございます。嬉しいです〜 ご懐妊おめでとうございます!私より早い予定日ですね。ミネソタの夏は涼しそうなイメージですが、こちらは猛暑で妊婦には辛い日々です… お体には十分気をつけて!残りあと数ヶ月、お互い頑張りましょう!