Monday, July 30, 2012

充実した週末 Busy Weekend

旦那さんに子守りを頼み友 達とランチしたり、近所のファーマーズマーケットに行ったりと週末はかなり充実した内容でした。チビと一緒だと最近はゆっくり食べられないので、久し振り に息抜きで楽しかった。ファーマーズマーケットのお目当ては甘いトマト!スーパーと違って熟しているからとても美味しい〜 サラダで頂きました★

This past weekend was pretty good one for me. I went out lunch with friends while my hubby watched Akari, and also went to the farmer's market.  It's been a while to get to eat out in peace. As much as I love Akari's company, it's been especially tough to go out to eat with her since she doesn't want to sit still for a long time...

 でもまだまだ暑くって、私がマーケットを物色中、チビと旦那は木陰で犬と戯れていたけど。チビは大の犬好き。最近では動物やふわふわした物はすべてワワンで、お気に入りの毛布までワワンだよ。犬を見ると猛ダッシュで近寄る。その辺にいた子供にもなぜか猛ダッシュで抱きつき、その子達のママもついでにハグ。 恐ろしいくらい社交的というか大胆な性格∑(O_O;) みんな嫌がらずに、笑いながら対応してくれて良かった〜

While I was browsing at the farmer's market, Akari and hubby were chilling in the shade. Akari loves dogs, and of course, she was busy playing with doggies. Lately she calls everything fuzzy or all animals "doggie" in Japanese, including her blankies. hahaha Not only she dashes toward doggies, she dashed toward kids who were sitting near by at the park to give them hugs. She isn't shy at all!! 

お昼は以前から気になっていたFalls Churchのベトナムサンドイッチ屋さん、Bahn Mì DC Sandwich。店内には残念ながら食べる場所がなく、車の中で食べる事に… パンも店内で焼いていて美味しかった。でもお肉は他のお店の方が私は好きだなぁ〜 

We checked out  Bahn Mì DC Sandwich in Falls Church for lunch. While the food was good, they don't have place to eat, so we ended up eating in the car. They bake their own bread at the store, but as for the grilled pork, I personally prefer ones from other stores.

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